Shining a Spotlight on the Victims of Kamala Harris’ California


We’re living in an interesting time in which people don’t believe anything unless they see it with their own eyes – and even then, they might not believe it.

For years, rational Californians (yes, there are a few of us here) have been pointing out what the obvious results of the Democrat supermajority’s policies would be, and we’ve been proven correct. One of those Democrats is former Attorney General and current Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris.


The media have talked about things Kamala did as San Francisco District Attorney, which were horrible. But let’s not forget that she helped push Prop 47, the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” widely viewed as the catalyst to today’s deplorable conditions in California, to victory in 2014. (That’s the bill setting the $950 floor for felony theft, among other stupid provisions.)

And, she helped push Prop 57 as well, which allowed alleged “non-violent” criminals early release from prison. Buried in the text of that proposition was the full list of crimes that would be considered “non-violent,” including (as listed by Rep. Kevin Kiley):

  • Rape by intoxication
  • Rape of an unconscious person
  • Human Trafficking involving sex act with minors
  • Drive-by shooting
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Hostage taking
  • Attempting to explode a bomb at a hospital or school
  • Domestic violence involving trauma
  • Supplying a firearm to a gang member
  • Hate crime causing physical injury
  • Arson
  • Discharging a firearm on school grounds
  • Lewd acts against a child 14 or 15
  • False imprisonment of an elder through violence


Harris claims she bears no responsibility for either Prop 47 or Prop 57’s passage because she didn’t take a public position on the ballot initiative. As the Attorney General, however, she created the misleading title and summary printed on ballots and included in voter guides – and she was in tight with the people who championed them: George Gascón and Gavin Newsom.

She certainly didn’t warn anyone that there could be horrific consequences for everyone in the state if these measures were passed.

Fast forward a decade, and Harris is running for president as a prosecutor who worked to keep Californians safe. One woman who lived through the nightmare that is Kamala Harris’ California, and who was herself a victim of violent crime there, has jumped into action to bring forward first-person stories of those harmed by Harris’ policies and images and videos of the destruction. Carol (we’re withholding her last name for safety reasons), who lived in the Hermosa Beach area of Los Angeles, runs social media accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter as “CAGirlAgainstKH.”

This heartbreaking video shows the devastation of addiction and homelessness; Prop 47 and 57 have sent hundreds of thousands of addicts and criminals onto the streets with none of the promised resources. So where do they end up? Back in the cycle.


When these violent criminals are released to the streets they end up attacking innocent everyday citizens, including those who are mentally ill and living on the streets.

Eventually, as happened in California, the homeless encampments can’t contain all of the zombies, and the entire region looks like this:

At this Whole Foods, there’s a lot of organic mess going on on the adjacent streets. Not exactly foodsafe; more of a biohazard.

Unfortunately, the policies Harris championed are already taking root in other parts of the country, with the same results. What’s happening is devastating on so many levels, but perhaps the most devastating impact is the loss of humanity. Addicts and mentally ill people are left to their own devices, to suffer and be victimized and assaulted – and likely die – on the streets, and everyday citizens are looked at by politicians as acceptable collateral damage on the path to radical societal change. Hopefully, these stories can reach enough middle-of-the-road voters to make a difference.
