Shocker: Former Trump Admin. Official, Turned Never-Trumper Says She Felt ‘Duped’ by Biden Team


Alyssah Farah Griffin, a Trump administration official turned never-Trumper and host of “The View,” is now changing her tune, saying she feels “duped” by the Biden team. 


This is historically bad, and I think we need to be awake to the stakes of it because the time is really critical … By the way, this White House should tell us. I feel duped. I feel like I’ve been told this guy’s doing gymnastics.

Has she been asleep for the past three-and-a-half years that she feels duped by Biden’s performance? It was worse than most expected, but it wasn’t shocking to see him struggle on the big stage after the clips we saw of him overseas, the same ones the White House claimed were “cheap fakes.” I’m sure Farah Griffin believed those clips of Biden wandering around and what seemed like him freezing on stage in Los Angeles were cheap fakes as well. 


Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez attempted to do damage control, as she said:

As someone who has spent and continues to spend a lot of time with the president and continues to, I think ensure that I am living up to sort of his … strategic approach at every turn, I will say that he is, you know, just one of the strongest leaders that I’ve been able to engage and to be able to work with and to advise.

Griffin continued, saying:

I was genuinely in shock last night watching this. Even though I had concerns for a couple of years about Biden’s age, it was stunningly worse than I expected.

She had blinders on because of her hatred for Trump, and she’s not the only one. She supported Niki Haley during the GOP primary and will likely still vote for Biden in November; however, it bears noting that if you have lost the hosts of “The View,” that is not a good sign during an election season. 

The Democrats and never-Trumpers made their bed; now they have to sleep in it. The Trump team came out firing following the debate with a brutal ad highlighting Biden’s cognitive decline solely during the debate, without even including any of Trump’s responses. This will be a preview of the next couple of months leading up to the November election.


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