‘Someone dropped the ball’: North Texas police chief reacts after one of his officers was shot during a training exercise

“It’s the call you never want. One of my officers had been shot. It was rather shocking news,” said Sansom Park Police Chief James Burchfield.

SANSOM PARK, Texas — A North Texas officer who was shot in the face during a training exercise near an elementary school remains stable in an ICU, police said.

The officer from the Sansom Park Police Department, in Tarrant County, was identified as Lina Mino.

The training exercise was held at David Sellars Elementary School in Forest Hill.

“It’s the call you never want. One of my officers had been shot. It was rather shocking news,” said Sansom Park Police Chief James Burchfield.

“She’s kind, respectful, professional,” said Chief J.T. Manoushagian, from the Lake Worth Police Department. He said whenever he saw her she did her job and everything you would expect in a police officer.

The news stunned officers across the Fort Worth area. “My heart almost stopped. It’s a heart dropping moment,” said Manoushagian.

It’s the same sentiment Burchfield shared. “It makes your stomach drop.”

Burchfield said a fellow officer was at the training and witnessed his colleague get shot.

“Obviously, the ball was dropped,” said Burchfield. And now he wants to know who dropped the ball and if there were any safety checks done.

The moment the shooting happened during the training, Manoushagian did everything he could. He said he called the Sansom Park chief immediately and was told, “The greatest need was patrol coverage, so, we went from Lake Worth to Samson Park to cover their community.”

A source shared a flyer with WFAA, where it says the hosting agency for the training was the Forest Hill Police Department — instructed by Paul Gaumond. 

The flyer stated Gaumond is a reserve chief deputy constable for Johnson County Constable Precinct 2. WFAA reached out to Gaumond but have not heard back.

According to the flyer, the training was open to peace officers, school resource officers and campus security officers.

“This was a training that was open to any police department that wanted to attend,” said Manoushagian.

“It was an active school shooter training. Ever since the Uvalde incident happened, every department in the state has been trying to get this training,” said Burchfield.

The Forest Hill Police Department said this was not a live-fire training, and they don’t know how a weapon was introduced.

“It’s a complete tragedy,” Manoushagian said.

Manoushagian said there are steps officers have to take before the training and after any breaks in-between.

“There are three checks that are done before the training starts. The three-check process is a three-step process. With a self check, a buddy check, and an instructor check,” said Manoushagian.

While the investigation continues, friends told WFAA that Mino used to be a Fort Worth police officer. Friends and fellow Sansom Park officers are by her hospital bed, supporting her.

“There is no stronger family than the blue-line family. We’ve got her back. It’s going to be a long road of recovery,” said Manoushagian.

“Her attitude is going to go a long way towards healing. She’s a go-getter, “ described Burchfield.

The investigation is being done by the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Rangers.

Friends set up an online fundraising campaign to help pay for medical expenses.


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