Speeding is ‘top safety issue,’ North Texas Regional Transportation Council chairman says

McKinney police have stepped up patrols to address complaints of excessive speeding and racing along Highway 121. Thirty tickets were issued over three hours.

MCKINNEY, Texas — The McKinney Police Department has stepped up patrols as public concerns over speeding and racing increase. 

The traffic unit has focused its attention in the last couple days on Highway 121 (Sam Rayburn Tollway) between Central Expressway and Custer Road.

“That doesn’t surprise me. Speeding is the top rated safety issue in the Metroplex,” said Duncan Webb, chairman of the Regional Transportation Council.

The Regional Transportation Council took up the issue of speeding and racing as part of a safety report Thursday. The council approved roughly $9 million for cities to use for enforcement and education.

While speeding is the top concern, distracted driving is a close second. 

The fatality rates are climbing, prompting state and local agencies to find ways to slow down drivers. 

Webb said one theory for increased speeding issues is under-enforcement. 

“It’s a complicated conversation to give police departments time to re-staff. They have to go catch bad guys,” said Michael Morris, Director of Transportation for the North Central Texas Council of Governments. 

The reality is many police departments have yet to return to pre-pandemic staffing levels.

For two days straight, McKinney police officers handed out 30 tickets in a matter of three hours. 

But the most surprising is how many drivers clocked above 100 mph. In a social media post Thursday, the McKinney Police Department shared a radar gun reading of 110 mph.

“That’s scary… very scary,” said Webb, hoping that’s where the grant money will help. “We’re trying to help the cities out financially so they can put more officers in the corridors.”

McKinney’s traffic unit will be out in special enforcement until they they see better compliance.


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