Spring Branch wastewater plant to deposit 260,000 gallons of domestic wastewater daily into Guadalupe River

Next Thursday, Spring Branch residents will get the chance to ask questions and voice their concerns over a permit that would allow 260,000 gallons of treated domestic wastewater to be deposited daily into Cypress Creek and then into the Guadalupe River, according to the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality documents.

Domestic wastewater refers to water carrying human waste and kitchen, bath, and laundry wastes, according to Law Insider.

If pushed through, the permit may negatively impact Spring Branch community residents’ access to clean water.

Wastewater from toilets, sinks, showers and other appliances contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and nutrients that could contaminate nearby surface water sources and go into the public’s water supply, according to The Environment Protection Agency’s website .

The development requesting the wastewater treatment plant is Lennar Homes. The corporation plans to build 718 homes on 4,000 square foot lots and a 31-acre business park in Spring Branch, according to TCEQ documents.

If approved, the domestic waste plant would be located a quarter of a mile northwest of U.S. Highway 281 North in Comal County.

According to TCEQ documents, the designated use for the wastewater treatment plant would be for public water supply.

SJWTX Inc. and Mary Jane Cielencki have officially applied for a wastewater permit with the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, hoping to authorize the wastewater treatment plant for Lennar Homes, according to TCEQ documents.

A public meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on August 11 at Smithson Valley Middle School Cafeteria for community members to voice thoughts to TCEQ officials.

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