The Senate Committee on State Affairs will consider the
SB 108 Hall
Relating to the appointment of election clerks.
SB 318 Creighton
Relating to the establishment of the election integrity division in the
office of the attorney general.
SB 507 Bettencourt
| et al.
Relating to election supplies and the conduct of elections; creating criminal
offenses; increasing criminal penalties.
SB 511 Bettencourt
| et al.
Relating to prohibiting an officer or employee of this state or of a
political subdivision of this state from distributing certain voter
registration application forms.
SB 533 Sparks
Relating to the election date for the authorization of the issuance of bonds
or a tax increase.
SB 1026 Hughes
Relating to the duty of the attorney general to prosecute criminal offenses
prescribed by the election laws of this state.
SB 1386 Huffman
Relating to testimony or the production of evidence before the legislature or
a legislative committee.
SB 1433 Bettencourt
Relating to the assertion of legislative privilege by the attorney general in
certain legal challenges to the constitutionality of state statutes.
SB 1434 Bettencourt
Relating to a prohibition on the use of public money by a school district to
transport district students or employees to or from a polling place.
SB 1596 Hagenbuch
Relating to the prohibition of short-barrel firearms.
Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If
submitting written
testimony, please provide 25 copies to the committee
clerk with your name
and the bill number on each copy.