State Affairs – 3/24/2025


The Senate Committee on State Affairs will consider the

SB 38          Bettencourt
| et al.    

Relating to the eviction from real property of certain persons not entitled
to enter, occupy, or remain in possession of the premises.

SB 287         Miles
| et al.          

Relating to prohibiting the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages
on the premises of certain sexually oriented businesses; creating a criminal
offense; providing a criminal penalty.

SB 291         Schwertner              

Relating to the failure to disclose certain appraisal reports by an entity
with eminent domain authority in connection with an offer to acquire real

SB 292         Schwertner              

Relating to certain requirements in connection with the acquisition of real
property for public use by an entity with eminent domain authority.

SB 508         Bettencourt
| et al.    

Relating to preparing and delivering precinct election returns; increasing a
criminal penalty.

SB 618         Sparks
| et al.         

Relating to the unlawful altering of election procedures; providing a civil

SB 901         Kolkhorst               

Relating to the declaration of a candidate’s ineligibility on the basis of
filing an application for a place on the general primary election ballot or
for nomination by convention with more than one political party.

SB 1436        Bettencourt             

Relating to accepting an early voting ballot voted by mail; creating a
criminal offense.

SB 1494        Johnson
| et al.        

Relating to the authority of certain political subdivisions to change the
date of their general elections.

SB 1626        Hughes                   

Relating to censorship of or certain other interference with digital
expression, including expression on social media platforms or through
electronic mail messages.

SB 1719        Hughes                   

Relating to the rulemaking power of the Texas Supreme Court.

SB 1999        Hughes
| et al.         

Relating to protection for certain individuals’ use of terms consistent with
biological sex.

Public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes. If
submitting written

testimony, please provide 25 copies to the committee
clerk with your name

and the bill number on each copy.


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