Laura Gibson
Editor’s Note: State Bar of Texas President Laura Gibson sent the following message to members on January 11.
I recently joined Gray Reed senior counsel Greg Sampson for a TexasBarCLE webcast on succession planning essentials titled “Don’t Wait, Designate.” The video is now available to all State Bar of Texas members to watch on demand, free of charge, on the TexasBarCLE website (under “Free Online Classes”) for 1 hour of MCLE ethics credit.
(Note: When you click the links above, you will be prompted to login to, unless you are already logged in.)
This informative webcast covers topics including:
Essential file management and distribution policies for any transition
Planning for a targeted transition and exit (including rules governing the sale of a practice)
Planning for a sudden or unexpected cessation of practice under Rule 13.02 and new Rule 13.04 of the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure
Why is this topic important now? In short, we have an aging lawyer population, but not all of us have taken the necessary steps to plan for the eventual transition or closure of our practices. Don’t let a lack of planning impact the legacy you leave for your families and clients. Please take time to watch this CLE presentation and evaluate your contingency plans.
I also encourage you to go to, where you can quickly designate a custodian attorney, and to, where you can find a wealth of law practice management resources from the State Bar, including information on closing a practice.
“Don’t Wait, Designate” is the third free CLE webcast related to my initiatives as State Bar president. You can find the prior webcasts on suicide and depression prevention and understanding the attorney grievance system on the TexasBarCLE website by clicking here and looking under “Free Online Classes.”
Editor’s Note: State Bar of Texas President Laura Gibson sent the following message to members on January 11. I recently joined Gray Reed senior counsel Greg Sampson for a TexasBarCLE webcast on succession planning essentials titled “Don’t Wait, Designate.” The video is now available to all State Bar of Texas members to watch on demand,…… Continue Reading