State of Texas: Hope fades for deal on school funding, education savings accounts

AUSTIN (Nexstar) — Time is running out on the third Special Session, and hope is fading for a deal to send more money to Texas public schools.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott expanded his special session call last week to include more school funding and money for teacher pay raises. Those items have bipartisan support among lawmakers. But the governor tied those items to his priority of letting parents use public funds to pay for private school through education savings accounts.

The Education Spending Accounts, or ESA, plan is opposed by House Democrats, but the opposition from about two dozen rural Republicans has so far prevented the plan from passing in the House.

At a news conference Wednesday, Abbott said that he expected the House to unveil a bill that would win support from a majority of lawmakers. In addition to education savings accounts, the governor said the plan would include funding for teacher pay raises, school safety and a plan to phase out the STAAR exam in public schools.

“I think that it will be embraced because so many legislators have so many wins in the bill,” Abbott told reporters Wednesday morning.

Wednesday evening, House members met briefly, but did not take action on school funding or education savings accounts. They’re not expected to meet again until Monday at the earliest, making it extremely unlikely that any education-related legislation will advance before the end of the special session on Tuesday.

The impasse at the Capitol has many educators feeling caught in the middle.

At a time when Texas teachers are resigning at record rates, educators frequently cite low pay as a reason they choose to leave the profession. Paige Frontera, a middle school history teacher with Dripping Springs ISD, said she is capped at $63,000 annually after 29 years of teaching.

She said she and her husband, who is also a teacher, had to sell their longtime family home in order to make ends meet. Now renting, they plan to move to Missouri once their daughter graduates high school because they feel they can no longer afford living in Texas.

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“At the end of the day, had they given us even a $8,000 pay raise between my husband and I would not have had to sell my house,” she said. “I have plenty of colleagues who are, you know, they’re running up credit card debt, every single month. They’re basically paying the minimum balance, they can’t pay their rent. They’re literally, literally living off of ramen noodles again, you know — nobody can pay their taxes. It’s really just horrific.”

A Republican voter, Frontera said she has voted to elect Abbott for all three of his terms, but is disappointed in the state of political fighting over education.

“I’ve committed my entire life as my husband to public education and to serving any kid that walks in my door,” she said. “You need to fund public teachers and you need to give us a great, big fat raise so that we can actually afford…we’re not taking vacations. We are literally trying to put food on the table.”

Texas nursing home COVID-19 data becoming harder to find

With pandemic emergency rules declared over by federal authorities in May, state and local health officials have halted their ongoing collection and public display of detailed nursing home COVID-19 case data. The change could make it tougher for residents and their families to find up-to-date, facility-level information.

Texas Health and Human Services Commission used to update its COVID-19 case counts and vaccination rates for nursing homes and assisted living facilities on its website. Online display of COVID-19 vaccine data ended in May 2023, and case and death rate data stopped being posted online in March 2023, according to the agency’s website.

“With the expiration of emergency rules that required this data to be reported, HHSC is no longer collecting detailed COVID-19 data from nursing or assisted living facilities,” according to HHSC. The agency said it has “no plans to resume posting” the data online.

Long-term care facilities have been home to one of the most vulnerable populations to COVID-19. The virus wreaked havoc on senior homes at the height of the pandemic, causing thousands of deaths.

EXPLORE: Comprehensive coverage and investigations of nursing home COVID issues

Early in the pandemic, the disaster prompted a fight for transparency and public display of case information for nursing homes. Local and state health authorities initially cited federal health privacy laws and blocked that information from being released to KXAN, other media organizations and the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas.

FOIFT called for state and local officials to identify nursing facilities where COVID-19 cases had been discovered. After an Office of Attorney General ruling, HHSC and local health authorities like Austin Public Health began publicly displaying detailed information about the number of cases and deaths in individual nursing homes.

Lawmakers also got involved in 2021. State Sen. Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, passed Senate Bill 930, permitting the public disclosure of the number of residents diagnosed with a communicable disease like COVID-19 and the name or location of the facility.

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State and local COVID-19 reporting hasn’t stopped completely for nursing homes. Facilities continue to report COVID-19 outbreaks to HHSC. The agency uses those reports to determine whether to investigate or conduct an infection survey, according to an HHSC spokesperson. An “outbreak” is classified as one or more cases, HHSC said.

KXAN has requested those outbreak numbers, and we will report on that information when it becomes available.

KXAN checked back on COVID-19 case reporting after a viewer submitted a tip about an outbreak at an Austin nursing facility. Texas saw a recent spike in COVID-19 cases in senior facilities in September, when 860 cases were reported in one week – a significant increase compared to late June, when there were fewer than 100, according to federal data.

APH also ended its public presentation of facility-level COVID-19 data and launched a trimmed-down version of its COVID-19 dashboard in June that shows aggregate cases citywide for long-term care facilities.

“Instead of focusing on case counts, public health officials believe there is more value in tracking hospitalizations, deaths and other indicators such as wastewater,” APH said in a statement.

Long-term care facilities are still required to report COVID-19 information to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weekly. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provides public datasets that show COVID-19 case counts, numbers of deaths, as well as vaccine rates for residents and staff for individual locations. Assisted living facility data is not available through CMS.

You can find the CMS nursing home data here. In addition to cases and deaths, the dataset also shows vaccination percentages. When vaccines were first made available, Texas nursing home residents and staff were prioritized.

According to CMS’ latest data, more than half of Texas nursing facilities had just 10%, or fewer, healthcare staff with up-to-date COVID vaccinations, as of Sept. 24.

Students wait weeks to receive needed special education services

Madalyn Betts has spent most of her life in special education classrooms, working through the challenges of having dyslexia, a speech impairment, and being on the autism spectrum. 

At 12, her aunt passed from a medical condition, and her grandmother died from coronavirus during the pandemic. Their deaths had a huge impact on Maddie. Her psychologist diagnosed her with social phobia and depression. She stopped going to Covington Middle School. Instead, she learned from her house as part of the Austin Independent School District homebound program. 

“Her anxiety popped up, and she was almost agoraphobic about going out,” Maddie’s mom Donna Betts said. 

‘She was struggling’: Austin ISD still working to finish delayed special education evaluations

From home, the school’s special education services were inconsistent. State investigators with the Texas Education Agency found when Maddie was in seventh grade, the district violated special education requirements when it came to her education. She was promised a speech therapist and counselor. But those services were not consistently provided, according to state records. 

Donna Betts checks on Maddie in her room. (KXAN Photo/Chris Nelson)

In August, when the new school year started, Maddie, now 15, and her mom expected her to begin homebound instruction again. But her lessons did not start on the first day of school. 

“She still has received no services since the beginning of school,” Donna Betts said. “She has been enrolled but has not received anything so far.”

The district was already more than a month into the school year when we interviewed Maddie’s mom. Email records show three separate meetings were scheduled to determine the plan for the school year. One of them was canceled after the district mistakenly unenrolled her from school. 

“I feel angry. I am very angry,” Donna said. “I am sorry for Maddie.”

Donna Betts stands outside Austin Independent School District headquarters (KXAN Photo/Kelly Wiley)

The school district declined to comment on Maddie’s case. But, in an interview, the head of Austin ISD’s special education program Dr. Dru McGovern-Robinett answered about cases where the homebound program is involved.

“There are some hoops that are associated with the homebound process because those students are also accounted for in our attendance accounting as a district, and so we have to have a timely notice from a medical provider, and that’s tough on a parent,” Robinett said.  “I don’t know the specifics of this particular case in that unique way, but I do know that those are the occasional limitations that come into place and are part of the steps that must be taken.”

Maddie has been in the homebound program since 2021. Records show Maddie’s doctors signed the most recent homebound forms in April and again at the end of August.

“I think they are pushing on every technicality,” Donna said. “Every little thing they can find to hold it up.”

The rehabilitation of the special education program at Austin ISD has been called priority 1A by school officials and board members since the newest trustees took office in January. At the time, the district had exceeded the federal timeline to evaluate more than 1,700 kids suspected of needing special education services. Since then, the district has evaluated more than half of those students, according to its numbers. 

The federal government requires school districts to evaluate students within 45 school days of getting parental consent. TEA investigators found the district repeatedly failed to do this on time. The investigation found that sometimes special education officials delayed evaluating students for nine months.

But the problems within the district’s special education program go beyond months-long delays in evaluating students. Separately, once the evaluation is done, Texas law requires school districts to create an individualized education plan, or IEP, to help students with learning disabilities. Districts must devise each plan within 30 calendar days of evaluating a student. Students like Maddie also need updated IEPs for when their needs change or as they move to higher grade levels.

Data obtained by KXAN from the TEA shows that more than 400 students flagged as potentially needing special education services last school year were still waiting for the district to provide that help at the start of September. It just was weeks into the new school year. The district already knew they qualified for the services. ­­­­

Another 340 kids whose parents consented to their kids being evaluated last school year were also waiting to be evaluated and to have the district develop a plan for services in the new school year.

At the time, there were also another 30 students for whom the district had parental consent to evaluate in the 2021-22 school year who were still waiting for special education staffers to create a plan and provide services. It had been nearly two years since they were flagged as potentially needing help.

The district said on Oct. 19 it still had 239 kids left from the previous school year waiting for their individualized education plan and for services to start. At the time, the district was already overdue to provide those services to 35% of those kids.

The students impacted are often in school but learning without services that could help them grow, like reading interventions, small groups for dyslexia, and speech therapy.

TEA appoints consultant, school leader to monitor Austin ISD special ed program

According to the agreement between the state and Austin ISD, district officials have until January 2024 to finish evaluating and creating education plans for all students who had parental consent provided last school year.

“Is it good enough yet? No, it’s never going to be good enough until we have fulfilled the timelines and the appropriate delivery of services for our students in our families, as expected,” McGovern-Robinett said. 

“What I can assure you is that [for] any and all students that may have had a delay in either part of the process there will be the convening as quickly as possible for that [student] and there will be a full discussion around compensatory services, if appropriate for that student,” McGovern-Robinett said.

Compensatory services, according to University of Texas-Austin’s College of Education Associate Professor David DeMatthews, are an attempt to make up for learning loss and could be delivered in additional hours of education or in funds that can be used toward hiring outside services, like tutoring or counselors. 

“Just missing a year of services and paying them back with a year of services later on – that may not make up for all of the damage that has been done to a variety of factors,” DeMatthews said. “If a child’s not getting the support and services that they need early on, those problems only compound; they get worse, and they get worse – and it gets harder to understand what’s really going on there.”

The district could not provide the total number of students who have received compensatory services since 2019. In response to our records request, Austin ISD officials said, “Every service is individualized for the student and based on their IEP, therefore, services are varied.” But officials said 254 students attended its 2023 summer compensatory services program. 231 students participated in the district’s extended summer year program. 

McGovern-Robinett took over as the head of the district’s special education program in May 2022. She believes multiple factors put Austin ISD, the largest school district in Central Texas, in a yearslong backlog and in an agreement with the state that could lead to even harsher sanctions for the district.

“There’s been a shortage of individuals who can conduct evaluations for students – number one. The pandemic was put into the mix of that, and so there was a delay in completing evaluations for students. Our state had a context for a period of time where there was a substantial reduction in the identification of students with disabilities,” McGovern-Robinett said.

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The district had also laid off the staff who conducted special education evaluations in the summer of 2021, and according to McGovern, before her tenure, there was no centralized system for teachers to request students to be evaluated. Austin ISD trustees have publicly commented on being unable to track how behind they were on evaluations before the new board focused the administration on the special education backlog.

“It was very unclear to folks where the single entry point was – yes. And so, people were using any and all methods to be able to do that,” McGovern said. “A number of our folks who have come into leadership have been a part of trying to be a solution forward facing for the future.”

The Texas Education Agency has also faced criticism and sanctions from the federal government over its handling of special education. In 2017, the U.S. Department of Education found the agency failed to make sure districts were identifying all the children needing special education services. Specifically, the federal report took issue with a benchmark TEA was monitoring across districts.

Austin Independent School District Associate Superintedent of Special Education Dr. Dru McGovern-Robinett(KXAN Photo/Kelly Wiley)

Before 2017, when a school district had more than 8.5% of its students identified as needing special education services – it would prompt the state to look further into the district, asking for additional paperwork to make sense of its special education population.

TEA officials admit the policy had a chilling effect on the number of students districts identified as needing help. Following a Houston Chronicle investigation and a federal probe, the agency got rid of the policy, and the legislature banned any similar policy in 2019. In recent years, the state legislature has also faced repeated calls to increase the funding to special education programs across the state.

Still, state data shows most school districts comply with the federal requirements around evaluating children who might need the help of a special education program. Eighty-one percent of school districts and public charter schools reported evaluating 100% of their students on time during the 2022-23 school year, according to TEA data. Meanwhile, Austin ISD is among more than 200 districts and charters that were non-compliant.

At the end of September, Donna and the team assigned to help Maddie met to figure out the plan for the rest of the school year. Schools had been in session for a month and six days. Maddie was set to start homebound classes again two weeks later – the first week of October.

Donna Betts looks at her daughter, Maddie, inside their kitchen. (KXAN Photo/Chris Nelson)

According to her IEP, the plan established which version of the STAAR exam she would take and how often her homebound instructor and speech therapist would visit and laid out the plan to gradually phase the 15-year-old back to in-person classes at Crockett High School.

The district did not discuss providing compensatory services to Maddie for the time she lost this school year. The report said it could be discussed later if needed.

“It’s a huge injustice, and there are a lot of unknowns at this point now. Are they going to be able to catch her up in time?” Donna said. “What is important is that she gets the instruction here and that they teach her that school is going to be a safe place for her.”

Texans to vote on plan to fund projects to meet water demand

Texans will be voting to invest in projects to improve the water supply in the upcoming election.

Proposition 6, stemming from S.J.R 75, would create a “Texas water fund” dedicated to assisting in financing water projects in Texas.

Texas Rep. Ernest Bailes, R-Shepherd, emphasized the need for proper water infrastructure after pipes broke in cities in his district, leading to a boil water notice.

“Two cities that were actually combined—they shared one collective water system—they only had one well total, and that well went out,” Bailes said.

Jeremy Mazur, senior policy advisor with the non-profit Texas 2036 said that aging water infrastructure is a problem in many Texas communities.

“Our water systems are so old and leaky that they get a C-minus according to the American Society of Civil Engineers,” Mazur said.

According to the Texas Water Development Board, the current existing water supply is not enough to meet future demand in drought situations. To meet water demand in 2070, it projected that Texas would need at least 6.9 million acre-feet of additional water supplies, which includes the form of water savings through conservation.

For perspective, the total storage capacity of Lake Travis is 1.92 million acre-feet.

If Proposition 6 is passed by voters, it would enact S.B. 28, which would amend current law that relates to programs administered and financial assistance provided by the Texas Water Development Board.

The legislation passed with near unanimous support in both the House and Senate this past session.

“That’s one of the great things about water policy… by and large it’s a very non-partisan policy issue,” Mazur said.


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