Mother Confronts School Board With Receipts Over Porn in Schools, Police Get Inovlved


Sarah Huckabee Sanders Confronts the Gender Insanity Head on


Elderly Hostage Describes Hellish Ordeal, CNN Immediately Lauds Hamas Hospitality in Prisoner Tunnels


Libs of TikTok’s Chaya Raichik Goes to War With the ADL


Selective Service: Should It Select Men and Women?


Can a Partnership With the UFC Help Save Bud Light After Dylan Mulvaney Debacle


Chinese Container Ship Suspected of Deliberately Damaging Estonia-Finland Gas Pipeline


Mark Meadows Tells Special Counsel He Warned Trump About 2020 Election Claims After Getting Immunity


Local Detroit Reporter Goes Yard on Rashida Tlaib on More Than Just Her Latest Comments About Biden


New: Biden WH Digs Even Deeper Hole With Latest Excuse for Unacceptable Non-Answer on Antisemitism


Chinese Scientists Discover 8 New Viruses on Tropical Island – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Police State’ – You Will Not Look at Government the Same Way After Seeing This Film


BREAKING: Tom Emmer Drops Out of Speaker Race Hours After Being Nominated


CDC Asks Students About Gender Identity in Survey Related to Tobacco Use Among Children


New York Times Hires ‘Journalist’ Who Admired Hitler to Cover Israel/Hamas War


Donald Trump Doesn’t Like Speaker Designee Tom Emmer, and He Wants You to Know It


Memo to House GOP, Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There!


Ted Cruz Drops Some Truth Bombs on the Biden Admin Over Israel


From the Mouths of Fools: NY Gov. Hochul Says We Need to ‘Free the Palestinians From Hamas’


Senator Fetterman Uses a Naughty Phrase in a Tweet about JD Vance Plan Funding to Ukraine and Israel


KJP Offers Infuriating Answer When Asked About Anti-Semitism in the U.S.


‘Mixed Gender’ Israel Defense Forces Unit Claims 100 Hamas Terrorists Killed in Several Firefights


Biden Just Up and Left in the Middle of a Live White House Event


It’s Not ‘Cancel Culture’ When a Person Is Punished for Committing or Endorsing Real Evil


The Invasion of Gaza Hasn’t Started but It Looks Like Hamas Has Won a Strategic Victory


UN Secretary-General Slams Israel’s Response to Hamas, Israeli Ambassador Demands His Resignation


Rashida Tlaib Will Never Stop Lying About Israel


Will the House Elect a Speaker Today? Will It Matter Who It Is?


House Republicans Have Chosen Another Speaker Nominee


Leftwing Cancel Culture Devours Its Own, and the Cries for Help Are Pathetic


Last (Only) Michigan Republican Running for President, Perry Johnson Drops Out and Endorses Trump


Biden Mysteriously Exits a Live Event…and Nobody Knows Why


Democratic Lawmaker Savages Karine Jean-Pierre for Her Remarks on Antisemitism


Disney Should Welcome a Takeover by Nelson Peltz With Open Arms


Sheila Jackson Lee Gives a Pretty Incredible Defense for Profanity-Laced Tirade at Staffer


Don’t Look Now, but the ‘No Labels’ Third Party Threat Has Democrats on Edge


Jenna Ellis Pleads Guilty in Trump Election Case, Implicates Rudy Guiliani and Others


Karine Jean-Pierre Tries to Clean Up Her Antisemitism Mess, Steps In It Again


‘Could Ultimately Backfire’: Obama Predictably Criticizes Israel’s Response to Brutal Hamas Attack


Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Massive Media Malpractice in the Mid-East, and Proof the Public is Walking Away


If Larry Hogan Says He’s ‘No Labels’ Why Is He Playing to the Far Left?


You Won’t Believe What This ‘Homeless Man’ in San Francisco Is Doing


Radical Unions Elected Biden, Chaos Ensues on International Front, but Others Bank on Same Formula


Gavin Newsom Pimps Chinese Electric Car Company BYD, the Same Company He Awarded a $1B Mask Contract


There’s a Reason Why the White House Would Rather Discuss Islamophobia Than Antisemitism


Hamas Caucus Leader Rashida Tlaib Tells on Herself in Latest Statement on Blast Near Gaza Hospital


BOMBSHELL: House Republicans Confirm Direct Payment to Joe Biden From Shady Business Deals


Israel Levels Secret Hamas Terrorist Cell Hidden in an Unexpected Location


Argentinian Presidential Candidates Javier Milei and Sergio Massa Headed to Runoff Election


New Drone Attacks on US Forces in Syria, Iranian Proxies Claim Responsibility


Unmasking the Myth: America’s Indisputable Supremacy Over Russia and China


The ATF Is a Rogue Agency That Needs to Be Abolished


IDF Claims They Are Ready for Gaza Ground Attack


In 1973, There Was an Oil Crisis. In 2023, There Is a Climate Crisis. What Changed? What Has Not?


BREAKING: Two More Israeli Hostages Released by Hamas


Eleven-Year-Old Transgender Child Made Grand Marshal of Orlando Pride Parade


Biden Descends Into Confusion Over Intros and Ceasefire, Ducks Questions to Head to Situation Room


Utah Is a Sanctuary State, but One Leader Is (Finally) Standing Up for the Law


‘Police State’ – a Film by Dinesh D’Souza in Conjunction With Dan Bongino


50 Cent Eviscerates Biden for Going to the Beach as the World Implodes


Messin’ With Reality: Claimed Bigfoot Sighting in Colorado


Israel Is Also Fighting a Narrative War


AOC Condemns Israel’s ‘War Crimes’ While Giving Hamas the Kid Glove Treatment


WATCH: Pro-Israel Dem Congressman Shreds Ilhan Omar Over Revealing Moment During ‘Ceasefire’ Presser


Bill Maher Says What Many on the Right Have Been Saying for Years About U.S. Colleges


While All Eyes Are on Israel, Haley and DeSantis Dead Even, Trump Still Running Away From GOP Field


The Liner at the Bottom of the Birdcage


Karine Jean-Pierre Sparks Controversy With Head-Scratching Answer on Antisemitism


Ilhan Omar Goes on Unhinged Rant About What’s Happening in Israel


You’ll Never Believe Where Hamas Hid a Military Headquarters (Actually, You Will)


Off-Duty Pilot Arrested After Trying to Take Control of Alaska Airlines Flight


Biden Team’s Latest Response to Americans Killed, Kidnapped and Hundreds Trapped in Gaza Is Infuriating.


Israel Forms Elite Unit to Hunt Down and Kill Hamas Leaders


Is the End for San Francisco Nigh? Mayor Orders 206 Million Dollars in Cuts


NHL Team Literally Cannot Light the Lamp – Seattle’s Green Energy Hockey Arena Has Internal Blackout


Florence, Oregon Man Claims Gun Store ‘Violated His Second Amendment Rights’ for his Antifa Support


‘Don’t Go to College!’ Bill Maher Slams Woke Students


The Ivy League Curse On America Needs To Be Lifted


WATCH: AOC’s Response About Leaving Hamas in Place and Blaming Israel Is Just Unreal


Border Patrol Nabs Record Number of Illegals With Terrorist Ties at Southern Border


‘Indescribable’ Footage: Journalists React to ‘Raw’ Video of Hamas Attack in Israel


WATCH: Pro-Hamas Protest in Minneapolis Attacks Confused Old Man, Democrat Politician Implicated


IDF Spokesman Runs Circles Around MSNBC Anchor During Illuminating Exchange


The New York Times Offers a Pathetic ‘Editor’s Note’ on Its Gaza Hospital ‘Bombing’ Coverage


Dave Chappelle Gets Heckled for Pro Palestine Comments and That’s Ok for Free Speech


Moore to the Point – The Limits of Presumed Privilege


What Is Biden Trying to Say Here?


Michigan State University Shows a Picture of Hitler Pre Football Game Than Gets Pummeled in the Game


Biden Lounges at Beach While U.S. Embassy Evacuates Personnel, U.S. Forces Face Multiple Attacks


Alleged Journalist Plays Word Games With Stories About Hamas Beheading Israeli Babies


Anti-Hamas Billboard Gets ‘Canceled’ for Telling the Brutal Truth About the Terrorist Organization


Should the Big Three Give a Final Offer to the UAW and Walk Away?


CNN Tries to Explain What’s Going on in Israel, but There’s a Slight Problem With That Map


Derek Webb’s Drag Appearance at the 54th Annual Dove Awards Is a Last Gasp for Relevance


Iran Warns Israel That Middle East Will Spin out of Control if Gaza Attacks Continue and I Believe Them


WATCH: Israel Releases Footage of First Use of ‘Iron Sting’ Precision Munition


WATCH: Ted Cruz Blisters Biden Admin. for Appeasement and Holding Israel Hostage to ‘Funding Terrorists’


Judicial Watch Releases Report About the Death of Obama’s Chef, and I Have Questions


Adam Kinzinger Invokes Jesus in His Continuing Trump Hatred, Gets Completely Wrecked by Jenna Ellis


The Misinformation Age: Is the Fourth Estate Finally Being Held Accountable?


Israel Facing Pressure to Launch Major Strike Against Hezbollah


The Key Results and New AP Poll Rankings in College Football


Just Stop Oil Activists Find Out It’s Not a Good Thing to Try to Block a Bus


Democrat-Controlled Michigan House of Represantives Fails to Pass Resolution Condemning Hamas


Let Rashida Tlaib Speak All She Wants With No Censure or Expulsion


Son of Hamas Leader Drops Truth Bomb About the Terrorist Organization


Matt Gaetz Rips Secret Ballot to Drop Jim Jordan as GOP Speaker Nominee: ‘As Swampy As Swamp Gets’


Conservatives Win Big in Switzerland, and the Top Issue Is a Warning Sign for Other EU Countries


Trump Co-Defendant in Fulton County Case Claims He Never Believed Election Was Stolen


When the Media Messes Up as Bad as It Has, What Can Be Done to Correct It in a Free Society?


Democrats Want to Use the Federal Government to Keep Sexual Material in School Libraries


Sec. Def. Lloyd Austin: Concern About Potential Escalation Prompts Ramping Up of US Presence in Mid East


Bob Menendez Just Got Some Scathing News From His Constituents


Sheila Jackson Lee Unloads Obscenity Laced Tirade on Hapless Staffer, It Must Be a Day Ending in ‘Y’


Liz Cheney Is Asked If She’s Running – Her Answer Is Hilariously Clueless


Sunday Gun Day XIII – Gold Standards, the 1851 Colt Navy


Shaun King Makes Claims About Released American Hostages – the Family Has Something to Say About That


We Don’t Have 2 Major Parties Anymore


Duke Over America, WAAM Radio Edition #249 – Sunday, October 22nd, 2023


Matt Gaetz Made an Offer to Help Jordan, the Response From CA Rep. Is Something Else
