Commending retired U.S. Army Sergeant Tiffany Millender for her dedicated service to her country and celebrating…
Tag: Texas Government
SR 8 Introduced
Commending retired U.S. Army Sergeant Tiffany Millender for her dedicated service to her country and celebrating…
SR 9 Introduced
Congratulating Dr. Saul Hinojosa on his retirement as superintendent of Somerset ISD.
SR 7 Introduced
Congratulating Officer Christopher D. Gonzalez on his retirement from the U.S. Coast Guard.
SR 2 Introduced
Congratulating Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on receiving a 2022 ASQ Award from Airports Council International.
SB 19 Introduced
Relating to a period of prayer and reading of the Bible or other religious text in…
SB 18 Introduced
Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds for lobbying and certain other…
SR 678 Enrolled
Requesting Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for funds used or will be used to…
SB 17 Introduced
Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer…
SB 8 Engrossed
Relating to measures to address public safety threats in this state presented by transnational criminal activity,…
SB 2 Engrossed
Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of improper entry from a foreign nation.
SR 5 Enrolled
Recognizing the Ice House Museum and Cultural Center for the opening of The Presidential Papers exhibit.
SR 5 Introduced
Recognizing the Ice House Museum and Cultural Center for the opening of The Presidential Papers exhibit.
SR 4 Enrolled
Recognizing Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.
HB 2 Senate Committee Report
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
SB 8 Senate Committee Report
Relating to measures to address public safety threats in this state presented by transnational criminal activity,…
SB 5 Senate Committee Report
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
SB 2 Senate Committee Report
Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of improper entry from a foreign nation.
SB 8 Introduced
Relating to measures to address public safety threats in this state presented by transnational criminal activity,…
SCR 1 Introduced
Declaring an invasion of the State of Texas by transnational cartel terrorists; urging the Governor to…
SB 16 Introduced
Relating to the exercise of eminent domain authority by the Texas Facilities Commission to build a…
HB 23 Introduced
Relating to implementation of an express lane option for determining eligibility and enrolling certain individuals in…
HB 35 Introduced
Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem…
HB 29 Introduced
Relating to prohibiting the transfer of semiautomatic rifles to certain recipients; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 34 Introduced
Relating to the elimination of ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee…
HB 36 Introduced
Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain…
HB 33 Introduced
Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain…
HB 32 Introduced
Relating to the separation of federal elections from state and local elections, and to related practices…
HR 2452 Enrolled
Commending Antony Mendoza for his service as a legislative aide in the office of State Representative…
HJR 6 Introduced
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the commissioners court of a county to exempt from ad…
HB 30 Introduced
Relating to the authority of a county commissioners court to adopt an exemption from ad valorem…
HB 37 Introduced
Relating to the prohibited use of public money to pay the costs of providing public benefits…
HB 28 Introduced
Relating to a limitation on increases in the appraised value of commercial real property and single-family…
HB 27 Introduced
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad…
HB 25 Introduced
Relating to the postponement of the delinquency date for a payment of ad valorem taxes imposed…
HB 24 Introduced
Relating to a temporary exemption for a residence homestead rendered uninhabitable.
HB 21 Introduced
Relating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Employees Retirement System of…
SR 718 Enrolled
Congratulating Patti Radle on her retirement from the San Antonio ISD Board of Trustees.
SR 701 Enrolled
Recognizing Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Epsilon Chapter, on the occasion of its 65th Anniversary.
HJR 1 Engrossed
Proposing a constitutional amendment excepting certain appropriations to pay for school district ad valorem tax relief…
HB 2 Engrossed
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
HB 1 Engrossed
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and additional…
HB 2 House Committee Report
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
HB 1 House Committee Report
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and additional…
HB 20 Introduced
Relating to informed consent before provision of certain medical treatments and exemptions from COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
HB 18 Introduced
Relating to the employment and licensing of border security officers employed by the Department of Public…
HB 19 Introduced
Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid to certain individuals under the federal Patient Protection…
HB 17 Introduced
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the…
HB 15 Introduced
Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that…
HB 16 Introduced
Relating to the abolition of ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee…
HB 2 Introduced
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
HB 1 Introduced
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and additional…
SB 3 Introduced
Relating to the punishment for the criminal offense of operation of a stash house; increasing a…
HB 12 Introduced
Relating to a study conducted by the Commission on Jail Standards on the living conditions and…
HB 10 Introduced
Relating to a "Texas Way" to reforming and addressing issues related to the Medicaid program, including…
HB 8 Introduced
Relating to the creation of certain criminal offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows.
HB 7 Introduced
Relating to prohibiting the transfer of semiautomatic rifles to certain recipients; increasing a criminal penalty.
HB 5 Introduced
Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain…
HB 4 Introduced
Relating to the punishment for the criminal offense of operation of a stash house; increasing a…
HB 3 Introduced
Relating to the punishment for certain criminal conduct involving the smuggling of persons or the operation…
SR 732 Enrolled
Recognizing Austin Osborn for his service to the Texas Senate and congratulating him for earning a…
HR 2293 Enrolled
Honoring the Legislative Budget Board for its work during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2212 Enrolled
Commending the staff of State Representative Jessica González for their service during the 88th Legislative Session.
HR 2239 Enrolled
Congratulating Edna Staudt on her retirement as justice of the peace for Precinct 2 of Williamson…
HR 2165 Enrolled
Congratulating Stephanie Reyes on becoming the first female city manager of San Marcos.
HCR 125 Enrolled
Congratulating Dr. Jeff P. Ripley on his retirement as associate director for county operations at the…
HCR 120 Enrolled
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of The University of Texas Permian Basin on the occasion of UTPB…
HR 2505 Enrolled
Commemorating the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker honoring Congressman Mickey Leland.
HR 2185 Enrolled
Honoring State Representative Senfronia Thompson for 50 years of service in the Texas House.
HR 2182 Enrolled
Honoring the Texas Legislative Black Caucus on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.