Texas DPS increases enforcement during Spring Break, St. Patrick’s Day


AUSTIN (KXAN) — The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) said it began increasing patrols on roads Saturday to ensure safe driving over spring break and ahead of St. Patrick’s Day.

According to the department, it’s looking for people who are speeding, not wearing seat belts, driving while intoxicated or committing other traffic violations.

Spring break brings more travelers to Texas and making sure our roads are safe has to be a top priority. Whether you’re heading to the beach, lake or anywhere in between, make smart choices—don’t drink and drive, buckle up and stay off your phone when you’re behind the wheel. Let’s work together so that we can all have a safe and enjoyable spring break.

DPS Director Colonel Freeman F. Martin

During 2024’s spring break and St. Patrick’s Day enforcement efforts, DPS said there were more than 52,793 citations and warnings issued.

Those citations included:

  • over 16,360 speeding violations
  • 1,277 seat belt and child seat violations
  • 2,149 violations for driving without insurance
  • 463 felony and fugitive arrests.

The increased enforcement for 2025 runs March 8 through March 17, according to DPS.


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