Texas DPS increases patrols for upcoming Spring Break, St. Patrick’s Day


Texas DPS is stepping up patrols this spring break and St. Patrick’s Day to catch speeders, drunk drivers, and those ignoring seat belts.

AUSTIN, Texas — The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is increasing road patrols to ensure Texas drivers travel safely during spring break and St. Patrick’s Day. 

From March 8 through March 17, the Texas Highway Patrol (THP) will conduct its annual traffic enforcement campaign, focusing on speeding, seat belt violations, driving while intoxicated, and other traffic offenses. 

“Spring break brings more travelers to Texas, and ensuring our roads remain safe is a top priority,” said Colonel Freeman F. Martin. “Whether you’re heading to the beach, lake, or anywhere in between, make smart choices: don’t drink and drive, buckle up, and stay off your phone while behind the wheel. Let’s work together to have a safe and enjoyable spring break.”

The increased enforcement is part of Operation CARE (Crash Awareness and Reduction Effort), a nationwide initiative running from March 8 to March 17. 

Last year, during the 2024 Spring Break and St. Patrick’s Day enforcement efforts, DPS issued more than 52,793 citations and warnings. This included over 16,360 speeding violations, 1,277 seat belt and child seat violations, 2,149 offenses for driving without insurance, and 463 felony and fugitive arrests, DPS stated. 

DPS encourages those planning to participate in festivities to drive responsibly, ensuring that Texas roads stay safe for all.

The department listed the following reminders: 

  • Don’t drink and drive 
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Move over or slow down for first responders
  • Everyone in the car wears a seat belt
  • Slow down in harsh or difficult conditions
  • Drive defensively
  • Use the left lane for passing only along highways and roads featuring multiple lanes
  • Don’t cut in front of large trucks
  • Keep the Texas Roadside Assistance number stored in your phone, 800-525-5555
  • Ensure your car is properly maintained and serviced
  • Report road hazards
  • Pay attention to weather and road conditions

 Anyone interested in learning more about programs or tips may visit the Texas DPS website.


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