Texas Parks and Wildlife Department reports parasites found in dove populations


AUSTIN, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) — The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is recommending appropriate safety measures to protect backyard flocks following several confirmed positive cases of Trichomoniasis among doves across the state.

The TWC reported that the National Wildlife Health Center confirmed several doves across the state had tested positive for the infectious disease affecting birds.

Trichomoniasis is a disease caused by a single-celled parasite (Trichomonas gallinae) that affects mostly pigeons and doves, according to the TPWD. The infection could spread to finches and birds of prey that feed on the remains of infected doves.

Infected birds may appear weak and have a “fluffed up appearance.” Birds may also have difficulty swallowing or breathing as the inflammation creates plaques that affect the airways and esophagus. Food and water sources, such as backyard bird feeders and birdbaths, can become contaminated from the mouths of infected birds said officials.

The TPWD said it recommends “practicing appropriate biosecurity protocols,” in an effort to reduce contact with backyard flocks. Landowners who see sick or dead doves or pigeons on their property should discontinue the use of bird feeders or bird baths until affected birds are gone from the area.

Bird feeders and baths should be cleaned frequently using a weak solution of household bleach, rinsed well, and dried before re-use. It is recommended to periodically clean and disinfect bird feeders and baths, even if sick or dead birds have not been seen on the property, as this can help prevent future disease outbreaks, said TPWD.

Birds with signs of Trichomoniasis infection can be reported to a local TPWD wildlife biologist


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