The Left’s Latest Attack on Virginity Is the Latest Attempt To Get At Your Children

If you’re a leftist then everything you don’t like can be labeled as a social sin. You know the drill. It’s racist or it’s sexist. It’s homophobic, bigoted, hateful, yada yada yada. You’ve heard it a million times and you’re going to hear it a million times more by next Tuesday.

But there’s one other label they like to throw out that, while not used as often, has a huge effect on the way anything is perceived by leftists, and that’s the claim that something is a “social construct.”

What does “social construct” mean? It’s effectively something that is popularly agreed upon in society but has no basis in objective reality. For instance, in America, the meaning of the colors in a traffic light is a “social construct.” We all agree that green means go, red means stop, and yellow means go really, really fast to beat the red light. These colors could have been something else entirely, but that’s what we settled on long ago.

The left loves to use the “social construct” argument to assist in their agenda. The most popular of which is the idea that gender is a social construct. According to leftist radicals and LGBT activists, there are an unlimited amount of genders you can identify as even if you were born a specific sex. So if you were born a male, you can say you’re a woman because being a male is a social construct.

This is, of course, nonsense. Homosapiens come in two genders, male and female. Gender isn’t a social construct and has an undeniable basis in objective reality. It’s one of the greatest signals that the left doesn’t know what a “social construct” is, or more accurately, those at the top know exactly what a social construct is and are lying to the easily manipulated who parrot whatever they’re told.

This brings me to the left’s latest attempt at labeling something as a social construct.

As Planned Parenthood tweeted on Thursday, virginity is now a social construct, and not only that, it’s a patriarchal one as well.

Let’s get the facts out of the way first. Virginity is not a social construct. Either your field’s been plowed, you’ve dipped your wick, or you haven’t. There’s a pretty hard before and after line between virgin and non-virgin. Once you’ve gone spelunking the cave of wonders, you can’t just identify as someone who’s never gotten bizzay. Your V-card is gone. Your no-pants-dance card is punched.

The question you have to ask yourself is; what is Planned Parenthood’s aim with this tweet? What is it trying to accomplish?

That’s easy. This is another play at dragging the youth into a lifestyle that revolves around sex and sexuality. For an organization like Planned Parenthood, the youth being fooled into thinking that sex is nothing while having your life revolve around it is really good for business.

If a young person places no value on his or her virginity then they’re more likely to have sex. If they’re having sex, and having sex in ignorance to boot, then they’re more likely to get pregnant. If they get pregnant at such a young age, there’s a much higher likelihood that an abortion will take place. Planned Parenthood can then add to its numbers and justify a case that abortions are necessary for our society.

This is disgusting on so many levels.

For one, they’re encouraging the youth to do away with their innocence at earlier and earlier ages. This message isn’t just for 18-year-olds and up, this is meant for kids who are susceptible to ridiculous messaging. The hope is that some 14 or 15-year-old will see this and be encouraged to have sex.

Moreover, this is messaging with the ultimate intention to kill a child. Abortion is the ultimate goal of this message.

It’s the attempt to have children kill children.

Planned Parenthood has always been a demonic organization but this isn’t just something that this particular organization believes. Getting your children into sex and sexuality is a widespread goal. They’re pretty blunt about their intentions.

But this also shows their desperation.

The abortion industry isn’t doing so hot after the collapse of Roe v. Wade and not only does the abortion industry need to pad its stats but it also needs the funding. It’s sick that in order to survive, it must rely on the death of babies and if that means encouraging the impregnation of kids so it can happen, the so be it. Planned Parenthood and the radical left will sink to any level to have their way.


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