The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: This Year’s Correspondents’ Dinner Displays All the Issues With the Press


Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

On Saturday, the annual self-congratulatory and un-self-aware journalism gala in D.C. was held: The White House Correspondents Dinner. This event brings together most of the major news organizations, a collection of political power players, and a smattering of Hollywood celebrities (for some reason). 

As usual, there was plenty of talk about honoring the First Amendment, the dedication to truth, and the battle against misinformation. Then they celebrated with President Biden, who is known for violating the First Amendment, challenging the truth, and uttering delirious misinformation on the regular – though few would know this if they relied on the assembled journalists for that information.

Listen along as I cover the WHCA, the foibles of the event, and how Biden basically commanded the press to do the job of getting him elected. It was a sad state of affairs.



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