The Morning Briefing: Confirmed — Joe Biden Is No Ladies’ Man


Top O’ the Briefing

(Note: The Sine Qua Non Sequitur will be taking the week off in recognition of International Panic Day (18), the Summer Solstice (20), and Kruisersis’s birthday (22). It will return next week tanned, rested, and ready. We hope.)


Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. 

Let’s coast into the weekend with more news about Joe Biden losing popularity with a demographic that his handlers almost certainly took for granted heading into this election year. 

We’ve read a lot in recent months about President LOLEightyonemillion hemorrhaging support among voting blocs that the Democrats have been stringing along for well over half a century. There has been quite a lot of news of late about Black voters not jumping aboard Biden’s Orthopedic Clogs Express. While I do think that this is a significant development, I don’t think that we will be seeing any hardcore blue urban areas that are dominated by Black voters flipping for Donald Trump this year. 

Of greater note is the erosion of support for Biden — and Democrats in general — in the Hispanic community. Way back in 2015, when Trump first came down the escalator to announce his candidacy, the general consensus after the speech was that he had just poisoned any chance he might have had for even a few Hispanic votes. 

Like almost every hot take narrative about Trump in that election cycle, the opposite turned out to be true. Hispanic Americans have been flocking to Trump almost since that day, much to the consternation of the Democrats. This will have an impact on the 2024 election.

The latest news about a once-reliable demographic for Biden and the Dems must have them shotgunning Pepto-Bismol these days. Well, most of the Dems; Biden’s days are spent wondering if Corn Pop will be coming over after school to have some Ovaltine. 

This is from something that Catherine wrote yesterday

There is a growing exodus from traditionally left-leaning demographics away from Joe Biden toward Donald Trump. In fact, a new analysis shows that Trump is rapidly closing Biden’s slim lead among women voters, with women’s support for Biden the lowest for a Democrat in two decades.

As inflation continues to spike and the cost of living becomes ever more unaffordable, many women, including black and Hispanic women, are remembering that they were doing much better under Trump than they are under Sleepy Joe Biden. New data from The New York Times and Siena College polls shows Biden, who led Trump by 13 points in the 2020 election, with only a four-point lead among women voters.

Democrat pollster Celinda Dion claimed, “Once the campaign kicks into high gear, abortion will rally the women.” But, so far, the NYT analysis showed inflation as the main issue, particularly for black and Hispanic women.


That has to really sting. The Democratic strategy for all of their candidates this year is to attempt to distract from Biden’s hideous record by screeching about abortion 24/7. If female voters aren’t prioritizing the ability to cavalierly terminate a pregnancy, the Democrats have absolutely nothing. 

Relevant: Dems Can’t Win on Economy or Immigration, So They’re All-In on Killing Babies

Soccer moms in flyover country were given a lot of credit for Biden’s success in 2020. They apparently bought into the kindly grandpa fiction, despite the fact that Joe Biden has always been the guy you didn’t want within 500 yards of your daughter. 

Soccer moms must drink a lot. 

The big question about all of this news is whether the traditional Democratic voters who are disaffected with Biden will actually vote for Trump. That’s a leap I’m not making just yet. Democrats are rather reflexive in their voting habits. They vote for Democratic candidates because that’s what they’ve always done. In most cases, that’s what their families have always done. 

Dems don’t do protest votes quite like Republicans. If this is the election when they might give it a try en masse, there is no guarantee that they will be voting for Trump. I would love to be wrong about this, but I can see them just not voting at all. 

Again, it’s impossible to predict anything in 2024. This is just what is bouncing around in my head right now.

Well, there’s other stuff in there too, but I like you all too much to share any of that.

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The Mailbag of Magnificence contributions can be sent to [email protected].


The Mailbag of Magnificence

We will begin with this from Bob: 

Good morning!

 I am long past being “tired” of the use of terms like “illegal immigrant”, “undocumented immigrant”, “Dreamer”, and any other term the Left uses to describe the foreign invaders that have flooded the nation. 

 Far be it for me to demand something from those who make a living by writing …

 I would however suggest that you stop using the language of the left!


I still greatly prefer “illegal immigrant,” Bob. The Dem euphemisms are all intended to deflect from the fact that the people are, in fact, here illegally. It’s important to keep stressing that in written or spoken conversations. Also, there is the bonus that it really grates on the libs!

Robert from just north of me in Mesa writes: 

Henceforth, your audible farts don’t count if you immediately yell out “Cheap Fake!”

I will borrow that, Robert. Also, I’m quite surprised that it took this long for the word “farts” to make it into the Mailbag. Kudos!

Let’s wrap up with a longer one from John: 

Kruser Mailbag of Magnificence;

Having grown up in Bayonne, NJ at a time of it being, in large part, an Eastern European enclave and future birthplace of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles please don’t ever stop the Sine Qua Non Sequitur. It brings back some fond memories of my youth. No doubt it is a lot of work to create such masterpieces of the absurd with words that are greater artworks then most of the schlock in art galleries today.

Your 20 June Column- No One Wants Kamala?  Come-on man.. Why was a “Historic First” (what is a) Woman of Color picked in the first place? Presidentish LOLEightyMillion was only running as a 1 term president back in 2020. Kamala was selected to become TWO Historic Firsts, the second as his Successor In Chief.  The Dems all loved and looked forward to that back 4 years ago. But once the champagne went flat, so did everyone’s realization of what Kamala wrought.

A Question oh wise one (who was able to get me to part with $$$ for a VIP Gold Membership a few weeks ago):Does not a Biden 2nd term secure her position as THE Historic First of all Historic Firsts (until the first Pan-Asian Pacific Islander non-binary Furry gets to be leader of whatever world is left in her wake). What better way is there to mark Black History History Month in 2025 then with a swearing in ceremony? Too soon? Too obvious? I don’t think Biden can last till 2026, even with the help of Dr. Jill at the helm pulling A Wilson, a more than complicit press, and assorted government toadies.


It’s true, John, the Sine Qua Non Sequitur does take work, but it’s a great writing discipline for me. Some nights, I want it to retire. Then I remember how sweet it is when people find one they really like and tell me about it. 

Regarding Madame Veep, what I said was that the Democrats don’t like her. That doesn’t mean that they don’t want her to be president. They’re all-in on diversity. I’ve been getting pushback from conservative friends for a year because I’ve been saying they won’t throw her under the bus. 

And I’m not sure Biden can last until the convention. 

Thanks to those who wrote! Something I’ve wanted to mention for a while: A lot of people say what they want to say in the subject line of the email and just sign off in the body. Often, I would love to use what was said, but I wish it was in the body of the email. 

See you next week!

Everything Isn’t Awful

Me, on a beach in Mexico. 

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A perfect illustration of the dreams I have on melatonin. 

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Weekend Bonus


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