The Morning Briefing: Democrats Hate Pretty Republican Women–Casey DeSantis Edition

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Jesper liked to keep his vast collection of Bea Arthur-inspired embroidery away from unappreciative eyes.

It’s difficult to make political predictions under the best of circumstances, but almost impossible as far out as we are from November 2024. One thing is a solid money certainty, though: the toxic acrimony between Republicans and Democrats is going to worsen every day between now and the election. I don’t know if it will be the ugliest presidential election in American history, but I know both sides are going to give it a try.

At least we haven’t lost our work ethic.

One of the most glaring and offensive double standards among the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media is that the families of Democrat politicians are off limits for ridicule but it’s always open season on Republicans’ loved ones.

When Donald Trump was president, the leftist press didn’t hesitate to be snippy about then-First Lady Melania Trump. They were routinely dismissive of the intelligence of a woman who speaks five languages fluently. Some even tried to find fault with the fashion sense and looks of the former model who is objectively drop-dead gorgeous.

Because they actually fear Ron DeSantis more than they do Trump, the leftist media savages have turned their attention to his wife, Casey. The Daily Beast — aka The Herpes of Online Leftist Opinion — is the latest liberal hackfest to go after Florida’s First Lady, which Ben wrote about:

The Daily Beast, famed neoliberal gossip rag second only in carcinogenic toxicity to HuffPo, published maybe the stupidest fashion-based hit piece ever, titled “Casey DeSantis Is the Walmart Melania,” over a jacket the governor’s wife wore. She didn’t purchase it with a 5000% markup from Saks Fifth Avenue, so they don’t approve.

Ben does a magnificent takedown of the Coastal Bubble Media Elites throughout his post, and I encourage you to read all of it. The nonsensical headline was bad enough, but this quote that Ben shares from The Daily Beast redefines ridiculous:

Via The Daily Beast:

The First Lady of Florida showed up on the campaign trail in Iowa this weekend wearing a ghastly black leather jacket–American flag on the front, an alligator and the silhouette of her state on the back, with the sneering words, “Where Woke Goes to Die”–that brought to mind nothing so much as the racks of a Red State big-bin store where it would be retailing for $24.99.

One day, the Coastal Bubble Dems will realize that Walmart stores aren’t filled with only Republicans. The mere fact that they use Walmart as a slur shows how remarkably out of touch they are. Walmart is the largest retailer in the world, yet American leftist elites like to pretend it’s just a fringe red-state thing. To them, it’s an outlier where the country folk get their Cheese Puffs and Natty Light.

Back to the topic at hand.

The Daily Beast is actually late to the Casey DeSantis smear game. As we discussed here in the Briefing more than two weeks ago, Politico ran a hatchet job that likened her to Lady Macbeth.

It’s a provable fact that ugly, bitter, Third and Fourth-Wave Feminist Democrats are threatened by happy, attractive Republican women. I’m not saying that all feminist Democrat women are ugly, by the way. Many are attractive until they open their mouths and begin screaming like tortured banshees about TEH INEQUALITIEZZZZZ!

This all gets into some territory where we might want to resurrect Freud when we realize that the leftmedia hacks still value feminine attractiveness in their own weird way. That’s why they work overtime to portray First Lady DOCTOR Mama Jill Biden as having some sort of fashion sense. This is a woman who dresses in upholstery scraps that are so hideous, her wardrobe could be used as birth control.

But Casey DeSantis and “big-bin store,” or something.

The attack on the First Lady of Florida by The Daily Beast is a leftmedia clich?: we’re all redneck rubes over here on the right. Never mind the fact that Casey DeSantis has a BS in Economics, and her husband has degrees from both Yale and Harvard, “Those Republicans sure are stupid, aren’t they?”

Feminism has never been about getting to a place where women can have whatever they want. It’s about women having whatever their elites tell them they should want.

The control issues never end with the left, and women like Casey DeSantis remind them every day that they’re still not getting what they want.

One More Thing: I was glad to see that most people read my column “Pride Shouldn’t Be the Only Deadly Sin With Its Own Month” and understood that it was lighthearted. So many people seem to be overcome with an attitude of “THERE SHALL BE NO LEVITY!” when they head to the comments section. Yeah, there were some commenters who felt the need for ultra-seriousness, but most had taken in enough fiber to not be constipated and ridiculous.

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