The Morning Briefing: Once Again, Joe Biden Makes Everything Weird


Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Katemzen vowed to fight until his dying breath what he called the “chocolatist” assault on the dignity of oatmeal-raisin cookies. 


The links are a little tighter this morning because there was only one news story after yesterday afternoon. Or a few variations on one story, anyway. 

Regulars here know that I don’t go anywhere near the news on Sundays until late afternoon my time. I take my weekend news hiatus seriously and milk it until the last possible moment. I was trying to take a quick nap late yesterday morning, and when I finally gave up, I saw that my phone had blown up with texts. 

So… I started the day a little early. 

It’s very satisfying whenever leftists are proven to be wrong, and we have been treated to a lot of that these past few years. The Biden campaign chose to announce that he was leaving the race on Twitter/X, the platform that everyone on the Left assured us was dead in the water after Elon Musk purchased it. 

Some of us jumped right into liveblogging, which I am really enjoying again. I hope we keep doing them because I can see them being my main coping mechanism for the next three-and-a-half months.

It’s a lot of fun watching the internet react to news cycles that have gone off of the rails like that. As Kevin wrote, the Democrats are no longer fans of the “democracy” that they have been saying that Donald Trump is going to end. C.A. Skeet wrote that “The Democrats Just Overthrew Their Own Election.”

Of course, the Democrats are used to monkeying with the rules of their primaries to get to their preferred candidate — especially in the 21st century. They haven’t had to do that during a brokered convention in a very long time, however. 


Although a smidge delayed, Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the nominee did put a lot of the right wheels in motion. A lot of congressional Democrats endorsed Harris fairly quickly. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) — two stalwart financial supporters of the Dems — have gotten behind Harris’s candidacy. 

My Townhall colleague Guy Benson tweeted this prescient observation:

It didn’t take long for opinion columns to start popping up in support of Harris, including one in The New York Times titled, “Kamala Harris or Bust.” The author pretty much admitted that they’re stuck with her: 

Vice President Kamala Harris is the only choice to replace him. That now makes her the leader of the Democrats’ future. The Democratic National Convention is not the time to litigate her ability to take over for Biden. The time to do that was in 2020.

That’s a variation on a point that I have been making about Madame VEEP for the last year and have been getting a lot of pushback on. Until recently, anyway. 


The one glaring omission from the first-day list of Kamala Harris endorsements was that of His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama. He wrote a heartfelt response to the Biden news but neglected to throw his support to Harris. The New York Times says we shouldn’t read too much into that, but it has to be causing some agita in the nascent Harris campaign. 

I wrote in the live blog that we can expect to see the wagons circling pretty quickly for Harris in the coming days. Our sister site Twitchy reports that five states pledged their delegates to the new Queen of the Democrats. 

Matt wondered yesterday in a VIP post whether Joe Biden might want Kamala Harris to lose. While I don’t think that Joe Biden’s thoughts are playing into anything that’s happening on the Left, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dem elites were OK with Harris being a sacrificial lamb. I recently likened Biden to a relief pitcher for a team that was down by 10 runs in the eighth inning and the manager leaves him in to finish the game and save what’s left of the bullpen. 

Upper-echelon Democrats might feel that Harris is a bullpen arm that they can waste. Memories are short in the modern media era, and a lot of people may have forgotten that Kamala Harris was the first of the “top tier” Democrats to drop out of the primary race in the last election. In fact, she never made it to the primaries. After being in the Top 3 in the summer of 2019, her financial backers began fleeing in droves that fall. She was out of the race before Christmas. 


That rehab job that the MSM doing is more to sell Harris to themselves than anything else. 

I am beyond trying to figure out how any of this will play out. I’ve seen everyone but the ghost of Teddy Kennedy on the list of her potential running mates. There is really no one on the Dem bench who feels like a game-changer. 

The “Rah-Rah, Kamala” noise will be turned up for now, however, We’ll all just have to comfort ourselves with the fact that she knows that Ukraine is a country:

I bet she knows a lot of other super cool stuff too. 

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Bee Me

We’ll do a double-whammy from the Bee today. 

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