The Morning Briefing: Republicans Should Beware of Any Feelings of Exuberance Right Now


Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Belcraino could turn any impromptu gathering into a memorable fête with a Costco box of Triscuits and various artisanal relishes.


These are heady times for Republican voters in the United States of America as they get ready to kick off their convention next week. The Democrats are absolutely disintegrating around their addled trainwreck of an incumbent candidate. Donald Trump’s polling numbers are on the rise in places where Republicans haven’t been spotted in the wild for decades. 

Yes, there’s something in the air. 

I’m trying to not breathe in too much of it. 

As I’ve mentioned often in the last couple of weeks, it is fun watching the Democrats fall all over themselves while trying to get President LOLEightyonemillion to go gentle into that one-term good night. It has been particularly satisfying to watch the handwringing by all of the vapid celebrity Biden supporters. 

It’s also comforting to see Trump doing so well in the polls, even though we all know they can’t be trusted. Still, it’s better to be ahead than behind, especially when a post-convention bump is expected soon. 

One of the things I most like about Trump is that he fights in ways that other Republican candidates haven’t in the past. He dukes it out in blue states where Republicans of yore might make a quick appearance before rolling over and playing dead. Trump wants to win, though, not just pat himself on the back for giving it the old college try. 

This is from a recent post of Matt’s:

It’s been clear for a while now that traditionally blue states have become competitive. Minnesota and Virginia, for example, have been close for a while, and some pollsters and pundits label them battleground states. New Hampshire appears to be competitive, as does New Mexico. 

Even those states don’t show how bad Biden’s position has become because Democrats are now worried that another blue state has become competitive — even though it shouldn’t be. That state is New York.

“Elected officials, union leaders, and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago,” reports Politico. “They’re so worried they’ve been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half-dozen swing districts that could determine control of the House.”


There’s certainly a lot to feel good about over on the GOP side of the aisle. That makes me a little nervous. 

After four decades of being around the Republicans and presidential elections, I never underestimate the party’s ability to find a way to fashion a come-from-ahead defeat. Just this week, the party has tweaked its 2024 platform in ways that offend both pro-life supporters and gun owners , two very stalwart Republican voting blocs. 

This party has never passed up an opportunity to look every gift horse in the mouth. 

Even though the other party is falling apart right now, that doesn’t mean they’re not still focused on introducing more “anomalies” into the voting process. 

There is also the fact that, in the modern media world of politics, the time between now and November is an eternity. 

We would all do well to remember that we are not even two years out from the last massive electoral disappointment after having sky-high expectations. That alone should have every Republican voter approaching this election with cautious optimism at best. 

Donald Trump is the candidate that the GOP needs at this moment in history, which is why I’m not looking for someplace to be a functional alcoholic expatriate just yet. He not only has the will to fight but, thanks to the Democrats’ lawfare witch hunt blowing up in their faces, he has the campaign funds to do it as well. 


So, yes, things are looking up. 

I just won’t get comfortable until the moving vans are hauling Jill Biden’s hideous upholstery-inspired wardrobe away from the White House next January. 

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Everything Isn’t Awful

I could have watched this for hours on some of the stuff I did in the ’80s. 

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