Tim Walz Addresses the Crowd in Philly Following Announcement As VP Pick – I’ve Got Good News and Bad


I’ve got good news and bad news about Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D), who was tapped by Vice President Kamala Harris as her running mate on Tuesday. I’m one of those people who likes to hear the bad news first and get it out of the way, so here goes:


He’s kind of personable. I’ve not paid much attention to Walz before, and don’t recall seeing/hearing him speak. He’s got a relaxed, folksy way of presenting himself that gives off an air of relatability — even likability. 

Democrats and center-left moderates/independents who were leery of a Biden-Harris campaign and second term are undoubtedly feeling some significant relief that they’re no longer facing the prospect of having to vote for a geriatric gaffe machine and his word salad-spewing sidekick in order to fend off the Bad Orange Man. Ironically, Harris is a better presidential candidate than Joe Biden was (purely by dint of being younger and sentient) and Tim Walz is a better vice presidential candidate than Harris was because he doesn’t cackle and talk in circles. 

Don’t despair, though. As I said, there’s good news to go along with the bad. As we’ve covered here at RedState extensively since the announcement, there are plenty of knocks on Walz.

VIDEO: While Minneapolis Burned, Walz’s Wife Threw Her Windows Open to Enjoy the Smell of Burning Tires


A Tale of Two Veterans: What the Service of Walz and Vance Tells Us About the Men

UPDATED: MN Gov. Tim Walz Accused of Cowardice and Embellishment of Army Service Record by Former Peers

Here Are the Damning Tim Walz Comments the GOP Should Run on a Loop

Moreover, in spite of his affability, Walz stepped in a few cow patties during his Philadelphia address. 

He told some whoppers, including insisting that GOP nominee and former President Donald Trump advocates a nationwide abortion ban. 

Attempting to knock Trump, Walz managed to highlight the stark contrast between the Trump administration’s successes and the Biden-Harris administration’s failures.

Touting Harris’ “prosecutorial” accomplishments, Walz conveniently elided her role in the lawlessness at the border. 


Then, too, there was this…weird moment after Walz spoke:

Regardless, I’m comfortable making the following prediction: Democrats and their obeisant media friends will be fawning over Walz and turning him into a midwestern folk hero for the next few days. And he will serve his purpose.


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