Tone It Down: Michael McFaul Says Harris Has No Moral Obligation to Talk to the Press


 It’s been 25 days since President Joe Biden was forced out of the 2024 race by his own party, and since then, de facto nominee Kamala Harris has answered zero questions from the press. That’s actually not entirely true … she did talk to reporters for about 77 seconds on the tarmac before boarding Air Force Two, telling them her team was trying to set up an interview sometime before the end of the month. 


Harris seems to be going with the basement strategy that worked so well for Joe Biden. If she can just avoid any questions about her many flip-flops from her 2020 presidential campaign platform, she might get by on “vibes” of joyful messaging.

Former Russian ambassador Michael McFaul is telling everyone to tone it down, as Harris is under no obligation to talk to the press.



If hiding from questions helps her win, she should hide from questions. What’s so hard to understand about that?


No one voted for her. She could at least throw the people a bone since she was coronated instead of elected.


McFaul was joined in donning clown makeup and a wig by former DNC chair and now MSNBC drone Michael Steele.



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