Transformation of Oak Lawn strip mall in ‘gateway location’ underway


Plans call for a residential tower, upscale restaurants and updated retail.

DALLAS — This story was originally published by our content partners at the Dallas Business Journal. Read the full version here.

Plans are underway to transform the front door of the Oak Lawn neighborhood into a walkable, two-story hub, complete with a residential tower and updated retail.

Prominent Dallas developer and well-known philanthropist Jim Halperin, co-founder and co-chair of Heritage Auctions, is leading the effort, and has hired GFF Design as the architect for the project. The Halperin family has owned the 1.93 acres for the last 19 years after Jim’s office relocated from Highland Park Village to 3500 Maple Ave. 

The Halperins are longtime investors in this pocket of Oak Lawn, a district known for its vibrant nightlife and considered home to Dallas’ gay community. It is also a commercial real estate hot spot, with several office towers springing online in the area in recent years. 

“My father saw some properties for sale in the neighborhood that were just a few blocks away, and wanted to have a deeper connection with the neighborhood,” said Dave Halperin, Jim’s son and senior wholesale trader at Heritage. 

Read more about the plans in the full story here.


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