Transgenderism Is a Political Sickness, Not a Bodily One

For generations, the mental illness known as “gender dysphoria” wasn’t exactly something that plagued humanity. It wasn’t until around 2015 that we truly began seeing an uptick in people who claim to have that issue. The fact that it coincided with a cultural blitzkrieg that began with Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner and followed by mobs destroying lives for not buying into the madness should be a huge sign that this is more of a long-lasting trend than anything else.

Transgender activists and allies will say that transgender people were around all along but just could never come out because of societal persecution. It’s not a claim that tracks since transgenderism is actually a relatively new concept. Before that, many people dressed in drag at gay clubs and referred to themselves as women. They didn’t suffer from gender dysphoria. They knew who and what they were, they just liked living as women on account of their homosexuality. While they definitely had their detractors, most people were content to simply live and let live. Moreover, movies and television shows featured this kind of thing and they had their share of popularity. The movie “The Birdcage” comes to mind.

If you zoom out on the timeline of modern culture, you’ll see that the skyrocketing claims of transgenderism came about when the blitzkrieg happened and transgenderism became a politically focused subject. Not gender dysphoria, mind you. That concept was tucked away quickly. The excuse was that transgenderism shouldn’t be considered a mental illness, but I suspect they didn’t want transgenderism to be associated with illness. It’s natural and fulfilling after all!

If people understood it was a mental illness then they’d likely seek help for it like they do everything else. No one wants to be depressed or suffer anxiety, so they go to the doctor to get pills for it. They don’t do that with transgenderism. Socio-politically speaking, transgenderism is to be embraced and even celebrated anyone who says otherwise is a hateful bigot who probably wants to murder people who aren’t like them.

Democrats and radical leftist activists are quick to point out that those people are Republicans, conservatives, and Christians. Many people, especially the young, believe this. All of this politically charged nonsense is shoved down their throats constantly. They hear it at school, online, and even in movies and television shows. They can’t escape it.

This generates hatred, and with hatred comes spite, and in the case of transgender activism, that spite becomes demonic.

A video posted by Libs of TikTok highlights exactly what I’m talking about. Watch as this man who identifies as a woman details their desire to be transplanted with a uterus so that he can have sex with as many “trans women” (men) as possible and get impregnated strictly for the purpose of having an abortion.

What does abortion have to do with transgenderism?

Absolutely nothing.

The point of this little spiel by this dude isn’t to stand up for the concept of transgenderism, it’s simply to make people he hates mad. In fact, that’s the point of most of the transgenderism movement.

Think of the people who hold drag shows for children. Sure, they’re trying to normalize it, but do you think that small-fry crowd that consists mostly of adults and a handful of children is actually going to turn the tide? No. The exercise is a political one designed to gin up anger from Americans that they can then use to generate divisive headlines that make them seem like freedom fighters just trying to make a difference in a hateful society.

The vast majority of people who say they’re transgender aren’t transgender. What they suffer from is a desperate need for relevancy in a world where everyone is performing at every moment thanks to social media. But those who are seduced into the lifestyle are purely brought in to become political footsoldiers in a battle that they shouldn’t be fighting anyway.

Transgenderism isn’t a mental health issue, though it does cause them. Transgenderism is, at its core, a political sickness.

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