Tucker Carlson debuts his new Twitter-based show: Tucker on Twitter

As you will recall, dear reader, Tucker Carlson said a few weeks back that he was going to start a new show. Well, this afternoon, he dropped this:

It clocked in at approximately 10 minutes and it got into a large terroristic attack on a dam that effects both Ukraine and Russia, but, according to Carlson, harms Russia more–so, logically, he suggests Ukraine is probably behind it. But the more amazing part is when he says ‘UFOs are actually real.’ That’s an exact quote. We are having trouble getting our devices to give us a time stamp, but we would say it is past the 2/3 mark. Or just listen to all of it.

He says that a former intelligence official says we have retrieved debris from non-human crafts and their pilots. Wow. That would appear to be a reference to this story that has been going around:

And this tweet links to The Debrief, where this story apparently started (and is Carlson’s source):

Talk about burying the lede, Carlson.

Cards on the table. We believe as a matter of statistics that probably intelligent life exists, or has existed elsewhere in the Universe. As old and large as the Universe is, the chances that the miracle of life only happened here is pretty low. But we also believe it is unlikely that intelligent aliens have actually visited us. Again, this is partially chalked up to the size and age of the Universe. The Universe is so large, travel among the stars is so difficult, and detecting life on other planets is so challenging, that even if such alien intelligence existed now, it would be hard for them to even find us, let alone pop in for a visit. And to circle back to the age issue, how likely would it be that other intelligent civilizations existed and then disappeared long before the first human discovered fire?

So, we are not saying it is impossible, just unlikely. And we will need better evidence than what is offered so far. We should definitely look into this new account, but we are extremely skeptical.

To be blunt, we suspect that this might end up being a serious mistake that will cost Mr. Carlson in the long run, because most people are not even as open-minded as we are on the subject. To them it is a complete non-starter.

In any case, the other question is how this show might impact the media in general. Namely: will it be a hit? Well, as we wrote this, it went from over 700K, to over 6 million views and we expect it to go up.

A few reactions:

Kinda walked past that whole aliens thing.

It’s off to an interesting start, for sure.

Naturally, not everyone is happy:

And some really latched on to the alien thing:

As we said, we want to see a lot more before we say this is definitely true. But we are always open to being proven wrong.

One final thought:

Well, we again don’t know if everything he is saying is true, but we will say that this is one of the last refuges where we can debate what the truth is. And that is, in long term, the best way to find the truth.

But he is right to say it’s a heck of change from just two years ago.

When will the next episode air? How long will it be? What will he cover? One can only guess. But we will be watching for the next one and letting you know as soon as it happens, so please consider a VIP membership below.


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Tags: aliensassassination of JFKRussiaSeptember 11Tucker CarlsonTucker on TwitterUFOUkraine


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