Tucker Carlson Has Brian Stelter and Taylor Lorenz Throwing Hilarious Fits About His Twitter Show

As we’ve reported, Tucker Carlson did his first show on Twitter. It immediately got a ton of attention and it covered a variety of topics from Ukraine to the bombshell report from a whistleblower about the U.S. having craft of “non-human origin.” I wrote on that UFO report and it’s pretty fascinating, given the source and the corroboration. Fox is accusing Tucker of breaking his contract by talking on Twitter.

But what’s funny is how much the “media critic” folks on the left immediately wanted to talk down Tucker on Tw itter.

Here was Brian Stelter’s effort to take a shot. The jealousy was hilarious to see.

Shall we note that Stelter doesn’t have any show and that no one would even bother to listen to one if he had one on Twitter? Not to mention that there are more views on Tucker’s first Twitter foray than anything that Stelter ever got on his “Reliable Sources” show. That’s one of the reasons that CNN was in such trouble because they had folks like Stelter. Then he also says something else that was pretty strange, calling it an “alleged video stream.” What was “alleged” about it? Is he trying to suggest it wasn’t? How weird that is, but that’s Stelter and why his show didn’t have anywhere near the following Tucker’s did.

Here’s “technology journalist” Taylor Lorenz criticizing the show because it’s just Tucker talking.

But “Tucker just talking” is what people want to hear. The part of the show that people always wanted to watch was Tucker’s monologue, which was never about flashy cuts, but about what he said and the issues that he covered that were unique.

Both Stelter and Lorenz tried to take shots at the number of views that Carlson got, with Stelter acting like the view counts weren’t believable and Lorenz just getting things wrong entirely, claiming he only got 16 million views.

When did she stop counting, half an hour in? First of all, 16 million views are more than anyone would get on Fox, CNN, or any network show. But anyone with any credibility would have left themselves with wiggle room and known that the views were going to skyrocket over the night, as they did. He now has over 102 million views on the show.

Of course, Lorenz wouldn’t be looking back at it and admitting how wrong she is and Stelter still can’t even fully accept the video stream is real.

The problem for them and Fox is that this is the future of new media, that isn’t controlled by the networks or the powers that be, that is free to say what it wants — with all the good, the bad, and the ugly that that might expose. The media critics like Lorenza and Stelter can spin it, but neither of their critiques even got anywhere near the numbers of his show, and that says it all right there. It’s going to be pure gold watching the liberal media meltdown as they can no longer control things.


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