Tucker Carlson’s Evolution on Good, Evil, and Faith Pinpointed in a Documentary


Anyone who is a Tucker Carlson watcher recognizes that he is on some sort of spiritual journey. Whether this is a result of his firing from Fox News or as a result of that firing he was freed to talk about it is not clear. But talk about it he has, over many of his keynote speeches over the past year, and his Tucker Carlson Live Tours throughout the summer. 


On Thursday, documentary director Steven “Scooter” Downey (“Hoaxed,” “Tucker Carlson Originals”) dropped a preview of his latest project, “Christianities?” featuring none other than Tucker Carlson. In the excerpt, Carlson spoke at length about a subject matter that many a devout Christian considers out of the box. 



However one feels about angels and demons, you can’t dispute someone’s personal experience and how it can alter one’s viewpoint. I can relate to Carlson’s experience because I had my own encounter with demonic forces in my 20s. Unlike Carlson, I had lived my childhood and adult life in mostly charismatic Christian circles, so it wasn’t something that I was confused about. I knew immediately what I was dealing with. 


It served to cement my own faith and reinforced my commitment to walk in truth. For Carlson, his experience drove him to further seek out truth in God’s word. Carlson spoke about this at the 2023 Faith and Freedom Coalition in Iowa. Carlson spoke at length with Bob Vander Plaats about his dive into actually reading the Bible and the insights he had thus far gleaned from his exploration of the scripture.


This past August, Carlson leaned into this newfound spiritual knowledge even more, making a connection between outer space aliens and spiritual entities that had somehow come into alignment with the U.S. government.


Around that same time, Carlson appeared on “The Shawn Ryan Show” and spoke in detail about God’s hand in his deliverance from alcohol.



A regular guest on Carlson’s Live Tours has been podcaster, comedian, and influencer Russell Brand, who has been very vocal about his salvation experience and how it is transforming his life. 

This newfound friendship with Brand seems to be stretching Carlson out of his comfortable, mainline Christianity comfort zone, and Brand’s own reckless enthusiasm in diving deeper into the Gospel has been fuel to Carlson’s own journey.


This was most evident when Carlson asked Brand to close out one of his Live Tours with prayer. 



The reaction to Carlson’s journey has ranged from those who find it fascinating and are invested in seeing where it goes, to those who consider it far-fetched, “Hoo-Hah,” or another conservative grift. From this preview snippet from “Christianities?,” it appears to be a legitimate path of seeking, and like Brand’s very public expression of his faith journey, we are invited to come along. 

The entire interview would be worth a fuller watch to discover what insights Carlson has gleaned from his encounter with the demonic and his search of the scriptures. As a person of faith, it is also a strong directive to pray for him. Whether Carlson has accepted Jesus as Savior is still a question mark in my mind, so his salvation would be the topmost concern. While salvation in Christ is an individual act, the journey of growth and sanctification only happens in a relationship with a body of believers. 


Carlson has been very vocal about his resistance to attending church, but after he attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with Russell Brand, he was encouraged to continue this form of accountability. The bookend of my prayers for Carlson would be that his journey draws him deeper into truth and closer to the throne.  


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