United Nations Enters the Censorship Game With iVerify Program

As if our own government trying to silence speech wasn’t bad enough, it appears the United Nations (U.N.) is getting in on the act. The international organization has developed a new program designed to monitor online speech and take action against those who express opinions of which it does not approve.

The U.N. has launched an automated fact-checking system called iVerify, in collaboration with Big Tech and Soros-funded organizations, to combat alleged disinformation and hate speech online. The tool supposedly aims to counter “online information pollution” and will likely be used to target those who do not espouse progressive ideas.

The mainstream media has been relatively silent about this development, possibly to avoid backlash against what will likely be another effort to crack down on speech online:

The United Nations Development Programme developed the tool in concert with Meta, journalistic organizations, and left-wing nonprofit groups, including one funded by billionaire George Soros. The U.N. boasts that iVerify will ensure seamless collaboration between “media, government, [and the] private sector.”

“Misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable,” the UNDP says.

On the iVerify website, the UNDP promises that it will only “check facts, not opinions,” and will look at whether a specific claim “is fact-checkable and/or constitutes hate speech, as opposed to the expression of an opinion.”

While iVerify is being presented as a tool to combat disinformation and hate speech, the program poses several problematic implications for freedom of speech and independent thought.

One of the main concerns surrounding the iVerify program is the lack of transparency and accountability in its operations. The partnership with Big Tech companies and Soros-funded organizations raises questions about potential biases and the ability to manipulate the narrative. Without clear guidelines and oversight, the program could become a tool for suppressing dissenting voices and alternative perspectives. In fact, given the current state of affairs in the digital media landscape, I think it is safe to say that this is precisely what this tool will be used for.

Given the associations of the organizations involved in developing iVerify, there is a legitimate concern that the program may be used to selectively target and censor certain right-leaning viewpoints. The absence of objective criteria for identifying disinformation and hate speech leaves room for subjective interpretation and potential ideological bias. This is by design. By leaving these definitions ambiguous, it becomes easier for these would-be arbiters of truth to target speech they disagree with. This raises concerns about inhibiting the free exchange of ideas, as dissenting opinions will be suppressed under the guise of combating misinformation.

By implementing an automated fact-checking tool, the iVerify program will undermine the value of critical thinking and independent analysis. It may discourage individuals from questioning mainstream narratives and seeking alternative sources of information. The concentration of fact-checking power in the hands of a few influential entities opens the door to the suppression of dissenting voices and the creation of an echo chamber where only sanctioned viewpoints are allowed.

The iVerify program’s ability to monitor and police online content raises concerns about the potential for overreach and abuse. There is the inevitability that the program could be expanded beyond its original purpose, with governments and authorities leveraging it to control and manipulate public discourse.

The line between combating disinformation and suppressing freedom of speech becomes blurred, making it imperative to establish clear boundaries and safeguards to protect individual liberties. To put it simply, this program will almost certainly be weaponized against those whose views contradict narratives perpetuated by the authoritarian left worldwide.

The fact that the U.N. has developed a program designed to crack down on “disinformation” online should hardly come as a surprise. The only shocker here is that they haven’t done this sooner. With the Biden administration being ever more willing to abdicate power to the almighty international community, this development might soon become an even bigger threat to free speech than what we have already been facing.

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