VIP GOLD CHAT: The Smartest Man Joe Biden Knows Causes More Embarrassment for Him

It’s Wednesday night, and that means it is time for the RedState VIP LIVE chat. Duke and Scott, along with Producer Jimothy, are here and chatting about the mess that Hunter Biden has caused his Dad. We hear there might be a surprise appearance by our Managing Editor, Jennifer Van Laar, because we know she’s got things to say. What a family.

The fun will start right here at 8 PM Eastern, which is just 5:00 PM on the West Coast, Best Coast, where Hunter should be navigating his first night of possibly forced sobriety.

Here is just a mild sampling of what is going on as covered here at RedState.

*BREAKING: Hunter Biden Pleads Not Guilty After Judge Rejects ‘Sweetheart’ Plea Deal That Included Global Immunity

Conditions of Hunter Biden’s Pre-Trial Release Have Been Announced, and Hoo Boy!

With family members like this, why does the President need enemies?

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