‘Warm Feet for Warriors’ sock drive aims to send 75,000 pairs to veterans, active military

SAN ANTONIO – The nonprofit Soldiers’ Angels is an organization with a mission to honor and show gratitude to every generation of veteran and to help military men and women’s serving right now.

They are now in the midst of a “Warm Feet For Warriors” sock donation campaign.

“When you’re overseas, it’s the small comforts of home that you miss. So having these shipped over are very nice, you know, So you’re have a little bit of comforts of home and, and you’re a little bit more comfortable,” Stephanie Costa, a Navy veteran, said.

Costa served in the Navy attached to a helicopter squadron based out of Corpus Christi.

“Being a veteran, I understand what it means to get some support from back home. And sometimes your loved ones just don’t know how to reach out. And so, organizations like this do. And they provide great support for our troops, not just here, but overseas as well,” Costa said.

The most requested item from deployed service members and veterans in VA hospitals is socks. You can donate online or just go to the Soldiers’ Angels veteran center and drop off donations until the end of March.

“We’re trying to collect 75,000 pairs of socks with our Warm Feet for Warriors campaign,” CEO of Soldiers’ Angels Amy Palmer said.

The care packages are extra special because they not only have socks, but each delivery has something extra sweet as well.

“It is nice getting a care package. And, you know, we usually ship a lot of candy, too, and they love that. And Girl Scout cookie season is starting, so we’ll be doing that, too,” Costa said.

Since the program began in 2017, over 265,000 pairs of socks have been collected and distributed to deployed troops and veterans. It really does help out.

“Having some quality socks that are shipped over are very nice to have,” Costa said.

If you want to donate, all the information on when, where and how can found by clicking here.


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