Watch as Donald Trump Wins Hearts, and Probably a Few Votes, with Super Thoughtful Gesture


In a visit to Sprankle’s Neighborhood Market in Leechburg, Pennsylvania, former president Donald Trump helped a mother of three pay for her groceries. 

It was a move sure to endear him to everyday Americans, and Trump’s campaign aide Margo Martin caught it all on video. 


Trump pulled out some of his own cash to pay for a bag of popcorn, handing over a few bills and telling the cashier to “keep the rest.” He then handed the remaining bills in his hand, apparently around $100, to a woman checking out in the next lane over, saying the money should help her bill “go down a little bit” and adding, “We’ll do [more of] that for you from the White House.” 

The woman was very thankful, telling the former president that she was a mom to three boys. 

It’s the kind of thing that resonates with voters, especially those who are struggling to pay their grocery bills. And, judging by the smile on this shopper’s face, President Trump has a lot of fans in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania is likely the make-or-break state in the 2024 presidential election, so both Trump and Kamala Harris are spending quite a bit of time and money there. RedState’s Mike Miller previously reported on Trump’s popularity within the Keystone State, with even Democrat senator John Fetterman admitting the former president has an advantage:


Fetterman not only said Trump has a special hold on his state; he also suggested the hold has grown stronger as a result of the first assassination attempt, which happened in Butler, Pa.

“Trump has created a special kind of a hold … and he’s remade the party and he has a special kind of place in Pennsylvania,  and I think that only deepened after that first assassination attempt.”

And as is often the case in elections, Fetterman said voter “anger on the ground,” which is likely primarily among blue-collar workers, will also be a factor in the state’s election.

Anger amongst blue-collar workers is precisely why the Trump campaign made a stop at a Mom & Pop grocery store like Sprankle’s. Leechburg, PA, is about 40 miles southeast of Butler, the site of the first assassination attempt against Trump, and is a former steel town where, according to the US Census Bureau, the median income is around $56,000 a year. The unemployment rate is nearly 40%. 

This is a town that is no stranger to the struggles of the average family under the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris economy. The image of Trump helping a mom pay for her groceries is striking and likely something you’ll never see Kamala — or any Democrat — do. Why is that? Because that would be admitting that the Biden/Harris administration has sent inflation soaring, resulting in families having to do everything they can to stretch their dollars. Best to just ignore that inconvenient truth.


As a reminder, Kamala’s plan for bringing the cost of groceries down was to make up the “problem” of price gouging by greedy corporations, then saying she’d solve it by implementing price controls. Everyone laughed at her.

If you want a good chuckle, just watch this hilarious video of a Kamala surrogate trying to explain how she’ll lower the cost of groceries. Amazing stuff.

Yeah, these people don’t have a clue what they’re doing.


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