WATCH: CBS Guest Reduces Women to ‘Menstruators,’ Says Feminine Products Should Be ‘Gender-Inclusive’

In one of the left’s latest efforts to desensitize the American people to the twisted ideology of woke, the “CBS Mornings” program trotted out the CEO of a “period” products company on Thursday. She proudly touted the company’s new “gender-inclusive” brand for “menstruators” — stay with me — when they “get their periods.”

August CEO Nadya Okamoto said she recognized “period poverty” when she was a teenager and has since sought to “stop the stigma around periods.” A noble cause, a ridiculous solution. Then again, I got nothin’ on “period poverty.”

Instead of referring to, say, “women (or girls) on their periods,” the woke CEO of the “sustainable period care” products company simply talked about menstruators, who apparently can be women, men– and pretty much anything in between.

Responding to CBS host Gayle King‘s set-up that the CEO didn’t want girls “to go through what many of us went through,” Okamoto said:

Periods make human life possible. It’s essentially one of the most natural biological processes of life, and yet history and society have built up this stigma that makes menstruators feel so ashamed– and makes us feel there’s something wrong with our bodies. We’re taught that period blood is this contaminable, disgusting, dirty thing.

It breaks my heart to hear so many stories every day of young menstruators who get their period and have never heard about it. Some of them think they’re bleeding out– a lot of people think they’ve pooped themselves–

Apologies– I’m simply the messenger, here. Although, I should note that King just sat there like a bobblehead doll, saying “Yes,” emphatically, at every opportunity she took. Okamoto continued:

Period blood isn’t just liquid, too, it can be clots. We hear stories regularly of people thinking a piece of their heart came out– it can be so scary if you don’t know the details of it.

Okay, so I’m a man (“biological,” idiotic “cisgender,” or whatever other silly label) so I’m obviously not qualified to comment on the content that Okamoto has discussed, so far–except to again point out her obvious and intentional use of “menstruators” in place of girls or women.

Okamoto said she founded August as a “period-positive, gender-inclusive brand,” adding:

On the back [of the package] it says we’re here for everyone who menstruates. And I think especially in this age of transphobia, it really means a lot to us to be proudly a gender-inclusive brand.

Stop the tape.

I’ve pointed this out multiple times in the past, and I’ll undoubtedly point it out multiple times in the future: Opposition to a lifestyle, narrative, or pretty much anything else in life, based on one’s ethical reasons, moral reasons, or whatever the hell other reasons, is not a phobia.

The left attaches “phobia” — hence “transphobia,” “Islamophobia,” “xenophobia,” et al. — to words in an attempt to ridicule and dismiss those who oppose their various causes and narratives.

So, by the left’s illogical logic, maybe we should start labeling many of them as Christianphobic, Second-Amendmentphobic, or sufferers of free-speechophobia. Just a thought.

Hang on– I almost forgot something.

Can someone please explain how women are “emboldened” by leftists who refuse to call them women?

Oh, wait– I forgot Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Jackson Brown‘s words of wisdom on the issue. Those of us who aren’t biologists — herself included, she said — are hardly qualified to define the term “woman.” How stupid of me.


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