WATCH: CNN Just Savages Kamala Harris on Air Over Her Insane Record Before Debate


Kamala Harris finally got around to releasing her “policy positions” on her website.

If you looked at them, a lot of them weren’t even really policies; they were just kind of empty statements of positions and/or word salads. However, she was running out of time prior to the debate, and she was getting all kinds of criticism for not putting anything out there. 


As we reported, CNN did a K-File investigation, looking back at some of her prior positions in a 2019 ACLU questionnaire to compare them as she now tried to run away from them. 

NEW: Unearthed ACLU Questionnaire Exposes Kamala Harris’ Dangerously Liberal Beliefs

Erin Burnett then spoke with Andrew Kaczynski about his investigation, and she just savaged Harris over it, pointing out some of the crazier elements of it and the “much more liberal stances” that she’s trying to run away from now, prior to the election, knowing that the American people will not accept them. 

Burnett notes that Harris said she would cut funding to ICE, and she said she believed we must “end the unfair incarceration of thousands of individuals, families.” She advocated for a decrease in funding to ICE. But she wants us to believe she was a “tough border prosecutor” when she’s effectively left the door open to the influx. 

Kaczynski explains how Harris was trying to “get to the left” of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, and radical Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). When she isn’t trying to cover up what she really is, that’s what she was pitching. As he noted, she pledged to end immigrant detention, end ICE detainers, decrease funding for ICE, slash illegal alien detention by 50 percent, close all family and private facilities. Oh, and she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition care and surgeries for detained illegal aliens, 


That made Burnett say incredulously. “She actually said she supported that?” she asked Kaczynski. 

“It would be hard to think you would come up with taxpayer-funding gender transitions for detained migrants,” she said, astonished that anyone might come up with that, but noting it was in writing and verbally confirmed. 

Harris was also asked on the questionnaire if she would support the decriminalization of all drugs for personal use. She said yes. So according to that, she would make crack, fentanyl — all of it — no longer crimes. 

Kaczynski asked the Harris campaign about the questionnaire, but they wouldn’t answer any questions. Instead, all they provided was a statement from an “unnamed Harris campaign adviser,” which said that Harris’ positions had been “shaped by three years of effective governance as part of the Biden-Harris administration.” But they failed to define what those positions were, he explained, but they provided another statement, “As President, she would take the same pragmatic approach, focusing on common sense solutions for the sake of progress.” 

What is that? Those are empty words. Even as we stand here at the debate, she’s refusing to be specific and trying to be amorphous because what she has said and done is so dangerously radical. “Same pragmatic approach” as the last three years — which were a complete failure with inflation and the border crisis they drove out of control? How is that “a new way forward,” the silly slogan she’s trying to sell us? 


“Where she stands…we don’t know and they won’t say,” he finished. 

“It’s pretty incredible,” Burnett replied disapprovingly. 

Indeed. This is three and a half minutes that just decimates her. And the fact that the Harris team still won’t be straight about what she truly believes, even when CNN asks, should be a huge red flag that she’s playing games now and would flip on a dime to do whatever she wants if she got in. As we reported, even Sanders tipped that off, saying the same thing, that what she was saying now was “pragmatic” to win, and she’s said her “values haven’t changed.” 

Bernie Sanders Tells Us What We Already Know: Kamala Is Faking Her Tack to the Middle

How could anyone trust what she says she believes when she acts this way? If she’s even losing CNN, you know her efforts have to be imploding. 


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