WATCH: Comedy Duo Dana Carvey and David Spade Decimate the Ever-Changing Narratives of Tony Fauci

I’m anything but a fan of Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and (thankfully) former Chief Medical Advisor to the president who spent most of the COVID pandemic acting superciliously and holier-than-thou, all while consistently getting things spectacularly wrong. He even admitted to telling lies in order to protect us, we the American plebes.

His list of transgressions is long, and I and others have written about them at length, but sometimes a good ole comedy moment can sum things up in ways that written words can’t. Take a look at former “Saturday Night Live” stars David Spade and Dana Carvey–two comedians who were on the show before it became woke and woefully unfunny–decimate Fibbin’ Fauci for his repeated false claims about the mRNA COVID vaccines:

Carvey started it off, joking: “I miss COVID.” Spade responded:

I know, dude. You know what? I knew there was trouble when anyone that came to our country didn’t have to get a vaccine. And I go, if you’re telling me I can’t go to work. But everyone, everyone coming in doesn’t have to get one?

This is when Carvey took off and went into full Fauci mode:

Well, once we found out when Fauci said [mimicking the good doctor’s Brooklyn accent], “OK, I’m sorry if you’ve had two boosters and two vaccines, you can get and give COVID to another guy who’s had five vaccines and four boosters.

“What’s the difference between a vaccine and a booster? [Great question.] I don’t know. Just more vaccine, but booster sounds better.

“Anyway, a guy with 25 vaccines would get and give COVID to another guy with 20 vaccines.

“That’s why I’m introducing the daily COVID shot. Every day you get a shot. [Spade cracks up.]

“By the time you get to your car, you got no immunity. But it’s a beautiful 39 seconds.”

The camera zooms in on Carvey at this last moment as he takes off his sunglasses and makes a crazy face. Spade is in hysterics.

The reason why this is so funny is that it highlights the hypocrisy of the Biden administration, who kept lying to us that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that the vaccines were the savior while our own eyes were telling us that it simply wasn’t true:

Quadruple-Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Has COVID, Is ‘Thankful’ for the Shots

Time For Another Jab: CDC Director Walensky Tests Positive for COVID Again

Biden Finally Tests Negative for COVID–Again

Emails Show Biden Admin KNEW Vaccines Didn’t Stop COVID as Early as January 2021

I wish more voices like this sounded off during the height of the insanity when people’s lives were being ruined. Former Levi’s executive Jennifer Sey–who paid her own price for speaking out–wrote Thursday about the bit, “Apparently, the coast is clear now to acknowledge/mock the obvious absurdity of the past 3 years. But if you said it early — 2 years ago before it was allowed — you were canceled. And still are.”

She’s right, but I still applaud the comedic duo for trashing Fanatic Fauci and his duplicitous ways now. I think the talented Carvey could–given time–improve on his Fauci impersonation, but it was not bad considering that it seemed to be impromptu. Comedy is so valuable because it can quickly and effectively skewer our “betters” in just seconds.

This era of phenomenal government overreach must never be forgotten.

Bonus clip for loyal Redstate readers: I always knew that Carvey was great at impersonations, but this compendium shows just how talented he is:


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