WATCH: Scott Jennings Drives the Final Spike Into the ‘Never Trump’ Campaign As Only He Can


There’s been a lot of talk since Election Day about the winners and losers in the various races, but one group on the losing side that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention in the aftermath of what’s gone down so far has been the infamous Never Trump grifters.


We’ve written about them often here, and how for eight years they’ve betrayed their supposed “principles” every time they’ve opened their mouths, have cashed another check from their fat cat Democrat donors and/or media overlords, or in one group’s instance allegedly looked the other way during a sexual predator scandal.

Among the worst of the lot, of course, are the co-founders of the Lincoln Project, for whom no low is too low to stoop.

SEE ALSO:Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson Can’t Escape His Own Stench After Moving on to Latest Grift

With all of that in mind, we turn to more Election Day post-mortem commentary from Republican strategist/CNN political analyst Scott Jennings, who – as we previously – reported – delivered some harsh reality checks to his colleagues and Democrats in the early morning hours about the “we’re fed up” message sent by voters during Tuesday’s elections. 

A few hours later, Jennings proved that he was not done after a statement issued from anti-Trumper Liz Cheney regarding the president-elect’s resounding victory prompted him to drive the final spike into the whole Never/Anti-Trump campaign. 

Here’s how the segment started:

KASIE HUNT: Liz Cheney tweeting her reaction to Donald Trump’s win just moments ago. Here’s what she says, quote, “Our nation’s democratic system functioned last night, and we have a new president-elect. All Americans are bound, whether we like the outcome or not, to accept the results of our elections. We now have a special responsibility as citizens of the greatest nation on earth to do everything we can to support and defend our Constitution, preserve the rule of law, and ensure that our institutions hold over these coming four years. Citizens across this country, our courts, members of the press, and those serving in our federal, state, and local governments must now be the guardrails of democracy.”

So, of course, Liz Cheney had devoted herself to preventing Donald Trump from ever entering the White House again, but the never- Trump movement inside the Republican Party, honestly, not borne out here today.


This was Jennings’ response:

SCOTT JENNINGS: A bang-up job. I mean, I — this never-Trump whole complex that grew over the last several years, nothing has ever failed as hard in politics as this. The Lincoln Project, all these people that built millions upon millions upon millions of dollars from Democratic donors, and all the eggs that was put in this basket. The split was amazing. Trump got like 94 percent of Republicans. I don’t think they accomplished anything, except probably build a bunch of beach houses. That’s about what they did.

Republicans being lectured to, condescended to, browbeaten by all these folks over the last — look, at some juncture, it’s OK if we have different opinions about the election. You don’t have to beat people to death over it. And the more you do that, the more it drives people away. Total failure.


I don’t think there’s any room for argument there. 

And while Trump’s “NeverTrump” detractors like Rick Wilson and the like would say “Well, we helped kick him out of office in 2020,” the net effect of that effort was a) to make Trump get even louder and b) to drive even more people in Trump’s direction (including bigtime movers and shakers like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan), which culminated in one of the most (if not the most) spectacular comebacks in American political history.


Something equally delicious about the voter repudiation of these types of tactics on Tuesday will be that five or 10 years down the road and beyond, very few people will remember much about the NeverTrump movement. But they will for sure remember how Trump seemingly rose from the political ashes to get his revenge in the best way possible: by way of the ballot box.

RELATED:House Democrat Drops Truth Bomb on Woke Elites in Aftermath of Party’s Election Day Drubbing


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