WATCH: Trump Drops the Mic After Reporter Asks Why He Visited a City ‘Linked to White Supremacy’


Donald Trump appeared in Howell, MI, on Tuesday as part of a sprint through several battleground states, with the Republican nominee seeking to offer voters some counter-programming to the Democratic National Convention. As campaign stops go, there wasn’t anything unique about this one. The former president appeared with local police and laid out his vision for the country, something he’s done many times.


The press wasn’t interested in that part of the trip, though. Instead, they’ve spent the last few days obsessing over the fact that some KKK members once marched in Howell. Naturally, that means Trump must be showing some form of tacit support for white supremacy.

Yes, it’s as stupid of a contention as has ever existed, and when Trump was asked about it by a reporter, he was ready. It was a mic drop moment, rhetorically speaking at least. 

What the reporter says is largely inaudible, but you can make out that she’s asking Trump about visiting a city “linked to white supremacy.” The crowd groaned in disapproval for a moment before the former president stepped up to the podium. You could tell that he knew he had her.

TRUMP: Who was here in 2021? 


TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you, everybody


What Trump is referring to is a visit Joe Biden made to Howell back in 2021. In fact, RedState reported on that visit right after it occurred because protesters showed up to show their displeasure at the president’s visit. Was Biden supporting white supremacy when he showed up? That wasn’t even a thought in the press’ mind because they save such insane stretches of logic for Republicans. 


With that said, what does that narrative say about how Democrats view rural Americans? Apparently, Trump was supposed to shun a city of 10,000 people because a few idiots walked around once. To Democrats, rural Americans are expendable. They don’t matter. They aren’t important. That’s what this latest faux outrage shows.

Lastly, imagine being the reporter asking that question. Do you think she knew how stupid she sounded? Did she feel any shame in smearing an entire city as “linked to white supremacy?” I can’t say. On the one hand, some reporters are true believers. On the other hand, many of them are just hacks who don’t believe half of what they say.


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