What Environment? Kamala Campaign Blew Through Staggering Amounts of Cash on Private Jets


Democrats constantly lecture us on how we’re selfish and use too much energy and are hell-bent on destroying the planet. You’ve got celebrities going to overseas conferences to moan that the little people are going to ruin everything, you’ve got CNN’s “Chief Climate Correspondent” Bill Weir saying basically the planet will soon be on fire because Donald Trump was elected president again, and you’ve got world leaders and CEOs bringing massive motorcades and hordes of private jets to their yearly confab in Davos, Switzerland. Yet they want to take your gas-burning stoves, shove you into an electric car, force you to eat plants all the time and forgo your burgers.


But when it comes to elitist Democrats themselves—do they really believe all their fear-mongering babble? Their behavior certainly doesn’t indicate so.

Case in point: failed presidential candidate Kamala Harris, whose campaign blew through almost three million bucks on private jet travel in just the last few weeks of the campaign – and $12 million total. That’s a heckuva lot of fuel she burned through:

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign shelled out $2.6 million on private jet travel in the final, dying gasps of her presidential run — bringing her failed campaign’s total tally on the environmentally unfriendly mode of transportation to a staggering $12 million, records show.

As Harris’ team desperately shuttled across the nation to host rallies and coax voter turnout between Oct. 1 and Oct. 17, her campaign ponied up nearly $2.2 million to the south Florida-based company Private Jet Services Group, along with $430,000 to Arlington, Va.-based charter flight broker Advanced Aviation Team, according to Federal Election Commission data.


They will tell you that a campaign needs to be able to get around the country by jet. Yeah, well I need to heat my home, get my kids to school, and be able to pay my energy bill without having to sell the house. Democrats, with their increasingly shrill rhetoric and extreme policies and taxes, are making that much harder for the average American—and that’s one of the many reasons Trump won.

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At least Kamala can sleep at night knowing all that money went to good causes. Oh, wait, no it didn’t:

And guess what? Those private jets spew out plenty of those emissions they’re so worried about:

The reliance on private jets, which can be up to 14 times more polluting than commercial flights, flies in the face of her 2019 doom-saying that global warming is an “existential threat” to humanity, as well as calls on the campaign trail for Americans to reduce their carbon emissions to stop global warming. 


Kamala’s campaign proved two things with all this private jet travel: they wasted a lot of money on this campaign, and they’re hypocritical. 

“Do as I say, not as I do.”


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