‘White Privilege Album’ Author A.J. Rice Lists the Three Things the Left Hates About America


We are always trying to read significance into birthdays, but there has to be something to it.

It was always extremely cool to me that I shared a birthday with uber-crooner Francis A. “Frank” Sinatra. I used to read my horoscope and then announce to anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby that whatever was happening to me that day was also happening to Old Blue Eyes. 


It stopped being funny when Sinatra was dying. 

Still, can it really be just a coincidence that Stephen K. Bannon was born Nov. 27, the same day Pope Urban II preached the First Crusade at Clermont, France, in 1095? Not a chance.

When I spoke to my buddy A.J. Rice about his new book “The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People…on Both Sides,” he couldn’t wait to tell me how his birthday, Jan. 12, linked him to the two men who understood modern American media better than else: Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern.

“I was raised on both Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh; in fact, the three of us share the same birthday,” he said. “One mantra that Rush always repeated was that his job was to ‘use irreverent humor to illustrate truth,’ and that is what I am trying to do with ‘The White Privilege Album.’”

Rice said mockery, coupled with the facts to back it up, makes a journey through the Cultural Marxist hellscape of tyranny and insanity such a good and easy ride. I started by asking him about the book’s title:

Q: Is the title of the book an homage to The Beatles?A: Well, it’s an apology, for sure.

And we are off.

Rice said there was a lot going on with the book cover. 

“The cover of the book, actually, is more in line with Pink Floyd’s [album] ‘The Wall,’ although I did do it to look like an old school hip-hop album,” he said. “I even invented my own parental advisory sticker, which is kind of a callback to my first book, ‘The Woken Dead.’”


He added, “It actually says, ‘Woken Dead Advisory triggering content,’ but if you remove the spray paint from the cover of the book, it does say ‘The White Album.'”

Keeping with the hip-hop mood, Brooklyn rapper Bekay dropped a song about the book, “White Privilege Album (The Song).” 

The Philadelphia native’s first book, “The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture,” featured a hand coming out of the White House lawn on the cover, which Rice said was an homage to “Thriller,” the Michael Jackson song and video.

“I’m a huge music fan,” he said. 

“I believe that there are three words in the English language that prove that God is a Catholic, and those three words are: Francis Albert Sinatra,” he said, as I bit my tongue so I could keep it all about him.

Rice’s career has touched all corners of the conservative mediaverse. He was the producer for Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley, as well as working for John Solomon’s “America’s Morning News” at The Washington Times, Glenn Beck’s The Blaze Radio Network, and as a media consultant for The Federalist Society, America First PAC, and Gun Owners of America.


Reporters know Rice as the brand manager and star-whisperer for luminaries such as: Bobby Kennedy Jr., Donald Trump Jr., Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dr. Peter Navarro, Newt Gingrich, Ben Stein, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

From his vantage point, the head of Publius PR saw America’s pop culture going the wrong way, so he said he wrote a book about it.

Rice: The left hates Western civilization, the middle class, children

“Here’s the takeaway,” he said. “I’m abducting their language and using it against them.”

It started with so-called “white privilege,” he said.

“When you hear these terms, ‘white privilege,’ ‘intersectionality,’ or ‘check your privilege,’ or these constructs of white privilege, when you hear the left, do that what they’re really talking about is three things,” he said.

“One, Western civilization, and I mean Greco-Roman Judeo-Christian civilization, which has to go, they want it to go away,” the author said. “That’s why it’s not just about tearing down statues. It’s everything from Columbus to Winston Churchill — it has to go.”

The second thing is the middle class, Rice said.

“The left cultural Marxists and economic Marxists have been trying to destroy the middle class for 100 years,” he said.

“They know to do that because they want a peasant class because Marxism has never thrived,” he said. “Not in Venezuela, not North Korea, none of these places when there’s been a healthy middle class — so middle class has to go.”


The third thing is children, he said.

“I believe happy people have more children; of course, more children mean more global warming, so the third thing that they have to destroy is the nuclear family,” he said.

“We know they have to destroy it because Black Lives Matter told us that they wanted to destroy it on their website.”

Rice: America is a multi-ethnic country

Rice said he is trying to untangle Americans from the labels that the left uses to confuse us. 

“Let me just say, we are not a multicultural country,” he said. 

“We are a multi-ethnic country, and the middle class and Western civilization in the nuclear family are colorblind,” he said. 

“They’re not white, black, or anything else, and if you want to come here and you do it legally, you can come here and participate in this great experiment,” Rice said. 

“As long as the cultural Marxists don’t destroy it.”


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