Why Americans are spending less time with friends — and what to do about it

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A full work week. Hours on housework, yard work, time spent with your kids or partner. Then there’s all the time we spend online.

Where is the time for friends?

“I think the trickiness of social media is it gives us these snacks of connection,” friendship excerpt Marisa Franco says.

“And it’s like we’ve been subsisting on snacks of connection from social media rather than having the sort of nutrient dense meal of in-person connection.”

In fact, Americans are spending measurably less time with friends than they did a decade ago — less than half as much.

And that lack of friendship connections is producing a ripple effect across the country.

“We’ve seen this widespread national decline in civic and social … places where people would come together regularly in sort of a structured environment,” Dan Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life, says.

Today, On Point: Declining time with friends, increasing loneliness. We hear what to do about Americans’ lost connections.


Dr. Marisa Franco, psychologist and friendship expert. Author of Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make and Keep Friends. (@DrMarisaGFranco)

Daniel Cox, director of the Survey Center on American Life. Research fellow in polling and public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). (@dcoxpolls)

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Alissa Wilkinson, senior culture reporter at VOX. Author of Salty: Lessons in Eating, Drinking, and Living from Revolutionary Women. (@alissamarie)

Danielle Bayard Jackson, friendship coach. (@daniellebayardjackson)

Interview Highlights

On why Americans are spending more time alone

Dr. Marisa Franco: “If you look historically, Robert Putnam’s book, Bowling Alone, he kind of looks at up until the from the 50s to the 90s, why are people disengaging from community life? And he finds that a compelling reason is the rise of the television. That before then we used to spend our leisure time around other people, and then we started to spend it alone in the four walls of our living room. But not only that, that television activates this kind of sloth- like state in us. I call it the plop effect. You plop down on the couch, and you won’t get off.

“And so I think taking Putnam’s research from there now, with the rise of social media and technology use that really started to spike around 2012, the smartphone really began to rise. And we also saw drastic rises in loneliness around that time as well. And so I think there’s this theory called displacement theory, which is basically the idea that if we displace our in-person interactions with our social media interactions, we’re the most lonely of all.

“Whereas if we use social media to facilitate in-person interactions where the least lonely, we’re less lonely than people that are off social media. So, I really think that’s what’s happening with the decline of friendship. Is that the time we used to spend with friends, we’re now spending with our phones.”

What are the measurable, meaningful benefits of having deep friendships?

Dr. Marisa Franco: “Loneliness actually impacts how long we live. More than our diet, more than our exercise. You know, people that are most socially connected live longer than people that are otherwise isolated and have a great diet or otherwise isolated and exercise. Well, so it’s striking the impact of loneliness on our physical health. It also amplifies the progression of diabetes, of Alzheimer’s, obviously, mental health issues. There’s a study of 106 factors that influence depressive symptoms, that finds that having a confidante is the number one factor that prevents against depression.

“And so the other thing that I want to say that’s friendship specific is that there’s actually three different dimensions of loneliness. There’s intimate loneliness, which is the desire for a close, intimate connection, like a spouse. But there’s also relational loneliness, which is the desire for someone as close as a friend, and collective loneliness, which is a desire for a group working toward a common goal. And so what that loneliness research suggests is that you can’t just rely on a spouse to not feel lonely.

“Even if you find a spouse that you really love and you’re only spending time with them, it’s likely that you’ll still end up feeling lonely. And I think a lot of us felt this in the pandemic. We’re living with the spouse and we’re still like, we needs we need something different. We need some alternative stimulation. So I think, you know what? This research really points to is that we’ve always needed an entire community to feel whole, and we still do. But we’ve really forgotten that.”

Are we replacing friendship with other things?

Dr. Marisa Franco: “I think we are replacing the other things. I think the trickiness of social media is it gives us these snacks of connection, like I’m seeing my friends’ lives, so I kind of feel a little bit connected. I don’t feel completely deprived. And it’s like we’ve been subsisting on snacks of connection from social media rather than having the sort of nutrient dense meal of in-person connection.”

Listen: Songs about friendship

Related Reading

American Survey Center: “The State of American Friendship: Change, Challenges, and Loss” — “Coming out of a once-in-a-generation global pandemic, Americans appear more attuned than ever to the importance of friendship.”

VOX: “The radical political power of friendship” — “Imagine it: New York City. The 1950s. An apartment building on Riverside Drive. Even before you reach the door, you can hear the buzzing, a clamoring hum punctuated by laughter. Inside, a dozen people sit in the living room, palming tumblers and martini glasses, alternating sips with a drag off their cigarettes.”

This article was originally published on WBUR.org.

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