Witnesses describe moments leading up to fatal 2022 crash in Day 2 of Alexander Castro trial


SAN ANTONIO – In the middle of Highway 281, two gray doors hung off a mangled mess of metal.

On Thursday, prosecutors showed jurors a picture of the nearly unrecognizable Honda Accord Alexandra Sebert, 24, was in on July 22, 2022.

Prosecutors also showed a photo of a black truck San Antonio police said Alexander Castro drove.

Castro is on trial for the deadly wreck and is charged with manslaughter.

“If you didn’t see the vehicles disheveled you’d think It was a fender bender,” said Johnathan Rodriguez, who was driving with his wife and kids.

Rodriguez is among the drivers who were stuck in traffic that night heading north on Highway 281 near TPC Parkway.

Another crash held them up in standstill traffic.

“We saw the truck speed past us, and then hit the car stalled in traffic,” Rodriguez recalled.

Paul Martinez, the driver of an 18-wheeler, heard the crash.

“I looked in my mirror and I seen (sic) him coming this way, on my left side,” he described. “And that’s when it came to a complete stop.”

Police said Castro was driving over 90 mph after buying alcohol at several bars.

Castro’s attorney blames the initial wreck that halted traffic for the crash.

Jurors also heard one of the 911 calls made about the deadly collision.

Testimony in the case is set to continue Friday and could head to deliberations.

If convicted, Castro could face up to 20 years in prison.



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