You Are Not Safe From Your Own Government


I remember decades ago that the person saying you shouldn’t trust the government while listing conspiracies to you was considered the nut job in the room. Now… well, everyone owes him an apology. 


Those conspiracy theorists got too much right, at least lately, and it’s really shown us a side of the government that many of us truly hoped did not exist. Many people looked at the government as something of a necessary evil that had checks and balances. We sent our own people there to represent us and help control it. We thought that this was enough for protection from it, and we went to sleep. 

Yet, while we were asleep, elements began to creep in that saw this thing we created as a delivery system for their own whims, wishes, and ambitions. One thing led to another, and now we have a government that detests us, even to the point where it’s willing and ready to put us in harm’s way, opening up avenues that allow it to harm us itself if it can.  

This might sound like crazy talk, but let’s look at the facts, starting with the most recent. 

You, reading this now, are probably pro-life. You respect the value of life and believe that everyone should be given a shot at it, even if the beginnings aren’t the most ideal. Many of you are believers in God, and think that He created life, and as He doesn’t make mistakes, believe that He has a plan for every life that comes into this world. 

Did you know that your government was training your army with your taxpayer dollars to see you as a terrorist threat? 

Here is Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) at a hearing, grilling General Patrick Matlock on the training program that trained soldiers to see the National Right to Life as a terrorist threat. Matlock admits it was a mistake to do such a thing but also admits that these soldiers haven’t been told it was a mistake. 


Whose idea was this in the first place? Who honestly thinks that the National Right to Life is a terrorist threat? It’s an organization that values life and wants to keep it sacred… what kind of terrorism are the people in our government afraid they’re going to commit? 

The answer is none of them. The only danger the National Right to Life imposes is a threat to the leftist agenda, which is something the left sees as a solid excuse to become violent. 

Then, just a few days ago, the DOJ released a full image of a page of the letter penned by Trump’s second would-be assassin, Ryan Routh, who offered a bounty of $150,000 to whoever could assassinate Trump: 

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”

(READ: Bill Barr ‘Dumbfounded’ by DOJ’s Release of Trump Would-Be Assassin’s Letter, Suggests Ominous Purpose)

As Mike Miller wrote on Bill Barr’s comments: 

I don’t think Barr meant to suggest that the DOJ’s release of the disturbing letter was an intentional attempt to incite further violence, and neither do I, but to the former AG’s point, what other purpose could it serve? To further divide the country, perhaps? 


What other point could it serve is the question everyone should be asking right now. Why would the DOJ do this? 

Keep in mind that this is the same DOJ that was so concerned about inflaming violence against people that it attempted to hide away the manifesto of the transgender Nashville school shooter. It only came to light after it was leaked to various sources. 

Your government has gone after parents, Christians, conservatives, and more, and in various ways meant to intimidate, threaten, and silence them. Our government has attempted to create entire departments whose sole purpose is to quell free speech. They recently attempted to infuse the IRS with billions and billions of dollars, most of which was meant to boost its “enforcement” capabilities. 

This is the government that attempted to coerce and intimidate you into injecting yourself with an unproven vaccine that did, in fact, harm a lot of people. This is the same government that, even now, makes stripping you of your Second Amendment rights one of its priorities. This is the same government that, as I write this, is importing dangerous illegals from south of the border and dropping them off in American neighborhoods. 

None of this that I’m saying now is hyperbolic. It’s actually happening. 

Your government does not care about you. It is not concerned about your safety and well-being. It is not your friend. It is not your protector. You and the government are enemies. Do not give it the power to grow more powerful. Vote accordingly, and make sure you vote in people who will strip it of power, shrink it, and create more boundaries that stop it from becoming something it was never intended to be. 


Do not allow this government to rule you. Remember, you rule it. You are in charge. It is here to serve you. It’s forgotten that. Remind it. 

Here at RedState we’re constantly fighting against the corruption in government, and it hasn’t exactly pleased your enemies. To help us fight back against their attempts to silence us, please consider joining the VIP Program, a service that provides additional articles, videos, and podcasts for members who sign up. 

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