Alaska Man Monday – Wieners, Tankers, and Otters


I’m still wondering just what the heck happened to 2024, but here we are, the last Alaska Man Monday of the year – so let’s make it a good one, beginning with… well, just read on. 


Anchorage has a Wiener Wonderland. No, not that; these are Dachshunds.

In midtown Anchorage, you’ll find a dachshund’s Christmas paradise; A Wiener Wonderland.

Marvin and Kelly Kneaper own three dachshunds and have decorated their house this way for over a decade. They say visiting Wiener Wonderland has become a tradition for local dachshunds and their owners.

“They just like to bring their dachshunds over, get their yearly picture,” Kelly said.

Marvin agreed saying, “Hundreds of people take pictures with the signs.”

Well, to each their own, as the saying goes. Personally, I never saw the appeal in a critter that’s half a dog high and a dog and a half long, but I’m also a big believer in people doing whatever they please, including owning oddly-shaped pooches.

Sadly, the Wiener Wonderland has been the victim of a theft:

Unfortunately, a Grinch recently struck their home, taking the Wiener Wonderland sign with them.

When Marvin woke up to see the sign missing, he had to break the news to Kelly.

“I thought, oh, my wife’s not going to be very happy.” He says, “I couldn’t believe that somebody would steal that sign.”

Still, the Grinch can’t steal the holiday magic from the Kneaper’s and their dachshunds.

A family friend built them a new sign to welcome visitors to Wiener Wonderland.

For whoever took the sign, the couple hopes they enjoy it.

He says it was, “Probably a teenager, imagine it’s probably hanging in his room.”

His wife adds, “Somebody is having fun with it somewhere.”


Yeah, I’m not going to comment on that last line.

See Related:A Very Happy Thanksgiving Indeed As US Army Staff Sergeant Reunites With Best Buddy After Years Apart

Alaska Man score: 4.5 of 5 moose nuggets. Not sure what the appeal of wiener dogs is, but you’ve got to admire dedication like this.

Now, then – every wonder what it was like to drive a supertanker? Must Read Alaska can tell you.

A company video produced by ConocoPhillips gives viewers a glimpse into what it’s like at the helm of the Polar Tanker Discovery, which takes oil from Valdez to West Coast ports. Captain Eric Cooper leads a crew charged with safely carrying oil from Valdez, which is the terminus of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, to West Coast ports. 


It’s pretty cool. In my life, I’ve had the opportunity to drive some equipment –  tractors, my Dad’s payloader and dump truck, a D-4 Caterpillar, and a variety of military hardware. But on the water, I’ve never driven anything bigger than a johnboat. I’d give it a go, though.

Alaska Man score: 3.5 of 5 moose nuggets. Only demerits are that I haven’t been able to try this yet.

Finally, in some happy news, an injured sea otter is enjoying a comfortable recovery at the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward.

The juvenile otter was first spotted with facial injuries and head swelling in the Seward small boat harbor. Phantom was spotted again on Nov. 16 at an apartment complex less than a mile from the SeaLife Center.

After receiving a report of the sighting on their 24-hour stranded marine animal hotline, the SeaLife Center admitted the young otter the same day.

Phantom is receiving treatment from the ASLC’s Wildlife Response Program, which responds to marine wildlife that is abandoned, stranded, or injured. The ASLC is the only permanent marine mammal rehabilitation facility for the entire state of Alaska.


The SeaLife Center does a lot of this kind of good work; some time back we brought you the tale of a young walrus who also found help in Seward:

See RelatedAbandoned Baby Walrus Finds New Home With Alaska’s SeaLife Center

If you’re ever in Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula is worth visiting – and if you’re in Seward, that goes double for the SeaLife Center. And, if you’re in Alaska and will be around the Valley on New Year’s Eve, we will be ringing in the New Year with the great folks at the Sheep Creek Lodge on the Parks Highway at mile marker 88. Drop in if you’re in the area, and have a chat! They have the best food between Anchorage and Fairbanks, and the staff are friendly and wonderful.

Alaska Man score: 5 moose nuggets. May Phantom enjoy a speedy recovery.

Now, then, I have a suggestion for Elon, Vivek, and the DOGE.


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