Recognizing Fred Cantú for his exemplary career in broadcasting.
Category: Texas Government
SR 299 Introduced
Congratulating Mackie Bounds, Kevin Camarata, Dennis Knautz, and Mel Oller on their induction in the Texas…
HB 1109 House Committee Report
Relating to an exemption from certain motor fuel taxes for counties in this state. …
HB 908 House Committee Report
Relating to the reporting by law enforcement agencies of missing children to the National Center for…
HB 674 House Committee Report
Relating to the prosecution and punishment of certain criminal offenses committed in the course of or…
HB 658 House Committee Report
Relating to the carrying of weapons by community supervision and corrections department officers, juvenile probation officers,…
HB 647 House Committee Report
Relating to the removal of certain restrictions imposed on driver’s licenses; authorizing a fee. …
HB 626 House Committee Report
Relating to granting limited state law enforcement authority to certain federal law enforcement officers. …
HB 195 House Committee Report
Relating to the dissemination of certain school district ad valorem tax-related information. A…
HB 135 House Committee Report
Relating to exemptions from sales and use taxes for game animals and exotic animals. …
HB 134 House Committee Report
Relating to the location at which certain sales are consummated for purposes of local sales and…
HR 640 Introduced
Congratulating the Voces Oral History Center at The University of Texas at Austin on its 25th…
HR 638 Introduced
Congratulating Lanier Middle School of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024 Texas Honor Roll. …
HR 637 Introduced
Congratulating Memorial Elementary School of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024 Texas Honor Roll. …
HR 636 Introduced
Congratulating The School at St. George Place of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024…
HR 635 Introduced
Congratulating Pin Oak Middle School of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024 Texas Honor…
HR 634 Introduced
Congratulating Challenge Early College High School of Houston ISD on its selection to the 2024 Texas…
HR 633 Introduced
In memory of former state senator and representative Carl Allen Parker of Port Arthur. …
HCR 122 Introduced
Authorizing the lieutenant governor and speaker to appoint joint committees. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION …
HR 630 Introduced
Congratulating Michael O’Briant on his retirement from the San Angelo Independent School District. …
HR 629 Introduced
Congratulating the Summit High School boys’ basketball team on winning the 2025 UIL 5A Division 2…
HR 627 Introduced
Congratulating Jasmine Moore on winning two bronze medals at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris. …
HR 626 Introduced
Commending Marquis Sanders of Arlington for rendering medical aid to his friend Isaiah Stokes during a…
HR 625 Introduced
Congratulating Ja’Miyah Gafford on being named the 2025 Youth of the Year for the Boys &…
HR 624 Introduced
Congratulating the Kimball High School boys’ basketball team on winning the 2025 UIL 4A Division 1…
HCR 53 Introduced
Congratulating the Canyon High School FFA Ag Issues Team on winning first place in the 2024…
HCR 52 Introduced
Congratulating Carlton and Lynda Beal of Midland on their 60th wedding anniversary.
HCR 45 Introduced
Honoring the memory of Peggy Case Worthington on the occasion of her posthumous induction into the…
HCR 44 Introduced
Honoring Autry C. Stephens on his posthumous induction into the Petroleum Hall of Fame.
HCR 43 Introduced
Congratulating Jack D. Hightower on his induction into the Petroleum Hall of Fame.
HCR 42 Introduced
Honoring the memory of W. E. Connell on his posthumous induction into the Petroleum Hall of…
HCR 27 Introduced
Congratulating Judge Leticia Dimas on her retirement from the Lamesa Municipal Court.
HCR 26 Introduced
Congratulating Stewart Doreen on his retirement from the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
HCR 24 Introduced
Congratulating C. Richard "Dick" Sivalls on his receipt of the 2023 Top Hand Award from the…
HCR 23 Introduced
Congratulating Kathy Shannon on her retirement as executive director of the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum.
HCR 22 Introduced
Commending Dr. James Olson on 50 years of service to The University of Texas Permian Basin.
HCR 21 Introduced
Congratulating Dennis Johnson on his receipt of the 2024 Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin…
HCR 27 Enrolled
Congratulating Judge Leticia Dimas on her retirement from the Lamesa Municipal Court. HOUSE…
HCR 26 Enrolled
Congratulating Stewart Doreen on his retirement from the Midland Reporter-Telegram. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION…
HCR 25 Enrolled
Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Midland Festival Ballet. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION …
HCR 24 Enrolled
Congratulating C. Richard “Dick” Sivalls on his receipt of the 2023 Top Hand Award from the…
HCR 23 Enrolled
Congratulating Kathy Shannon on her retirement as executive director of the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum. …
HCR 22 Enrolled
Commending Dr. James Olson on 50 years of service to The University of Texas Permian Basin. …
HCR 21 Enrolled
Congratulating Dennis Johnson on his receipt of the 2024 Top Hand Award from the Permian Basin…
HCR 20 Enrolled
In memory of Matthew Travis Stice of Midland. HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS,…
HB 5652 Introduced
Relating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 258; granting a limited…
HB 22 House Committee Report
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of intangible personal property. A…
SB 388 Engrossed
Relating to the legislature’s goals for electric generation capacity in this state. A BILL…
SB 13 Engrossed
Relating to a school district’s library materials and catalog, the creation of local school library advisory…
SB 12 Engrossed
Relating to parental rights in public education, to certain public school requirements and prohibitions regarding instruction…
HR 573 Introduced
Recognizing March 19, 2025, as African Methodist Episcopal Day at the State Capitol.
HR 558 Introduced
Recognizing March 19, 2025, as Katy Business and Education Legislative Day at the State Capitol.
HR 390 Introduced
Recognizing March 19, 2025, as Houston Lawyers Association Day at the State Capitol.
HB 4914 Introduced
Relating to the organization, powers, and authority of the Texas State Guard, including the powers and…
HB 4519 Introduced
Relating to programs established and funded under the Texas emissions reduction plan. A…
HB 9 House Committee Report
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion of the appraised value of…
HB 8 House Committee Report
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district. …
SR 281 Introduced
Recognizing James Anthony Tamayo for his exemplary leadership of the Diocese of Laredo.
HB 5621 Introduced
Relating to the jurisdiction of district and county attorneys to prosecute certain consumer protection violations. …
HB 5576 Introduced
Relating to certain best management practices and to certain requirements for the design, construction, and operation…
HB 5375 Introduced
Relating to creating the NORTHERN CAMERON AND WILLACY COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY; providing authority to issue bonds;…
HB 5150 Introduced
Relating to the transfer of the University of Houston–Victoria to The Texas A&M University System. …
HB 4553 Introduced
Relating to the mandatory reporting of birth outcomes by licensed midwives in the State of Texas. …
HB 5650 Introduced
Relating to the creation of the Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 40; granting a limited…
HB 5612 Introduced
Relating to state preemption of certain municipal and county regulation. A BILL TO…
HB 5480 Introduced
Relating to competition and transparency in digital advertising. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED…
HB 5353 Introduced
Relating to the administration of certain assessment instruments and the accountability rating system for assessing campus…
HB 5097 Introduced
Relating to access to and use of certain criminal history record information. A…
HR 603 Introduced
Welcoming the Liberty Elementary School Student Council to the State Capitol. R E…
HR 601 Introduced
Congratulating the Plano East High School boys’ basketball team on winning the 2024 UIL 6A state…
HR 600 Introduced
Recognizing The Family Place on the occasion of Domestic Violence Advocacy Day at the State Capitol…
HCR 119 Introduced
In memory of the Honorable Terrell Lynn Roberts of Angleton. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION …
SR 274 Introduced
Recognizing Carl Idlebird on his induction into the Association of Texas Small School Bands Hall of…
SR 273 Introduced
Honoring the Lubbock Monterey Chapter of AMBUCS on the occasion of its Visibility Month.