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Healthy Living

Found at last: the ‘Sapling Fort’ where Native Alaskans made a stand

Found at last: the ‘Sapling Fort’ where Native Alaskans made a stand Nature, Published online: 25 January 2021; doi:10.1038/d41586-021-00177-xThe...
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Healthy Living

My 2020 as an ‘alien’ PhD student in New York

My 2020 as an ‘alien’ PhD student in New York Nature, Published online: 25 January 2021; doi:10.1038/d41586-021-00200-1Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona learnt...
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Healthy Living

Loss of furin cleavage site attenuates SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis

Loss of furin cleavage site attenuates SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis Nature, Published online: 25 January 2021; doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03237-4Loss of furin cleavage site...
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Digest Good News T-SPAN Trending

IKEA Buys 11,000 Acres of U.S. Forest to Keep It From Being Developed

IKEA Buys 11,000 Acres of U.S. Forest to Keep It From Being Developed IKEA is continuing to try and...
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Digest Editors Picks Politics T-SPAN Trending

Biden Sends Message to Black Voters: Get To The Back Of The Bus And Wait Your Turn

Biden Sends Message to Black Voters: Get To The Back Of The Bus And Wait Your Turn Source:...
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Pelosi and Biden Get Hoisted on Their Own Petard With Latest Antifa Video

Pelosi and Biden Get Hoisted on Their Own Petard With Latest Antifa Video Source: Red State
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Educators: Watch Biden This Week

Educators: Watch Biden This Week Source: Red State
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Got Hypocrisy, Joe? Biden Raked in More 'Dark Money' Than Any Candidate in History, Dwarfing Trump's Donations

Got Hypocrisy, Joe? Biden Raked in More 'Dark Money' Than Any Candidate in History, Dwarfing Trump's Donations Source:...
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Digest Politics T-SPAN Trending

Tacoma PD Vehicle Drives Thru a Crowd Blocking Him From Pursuing Fleeing Suspect

Tacoma PD Vehicle Drives Thru a Crowd Blocking Him From Pursuing Fleeing Suspect Source: Red State
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Digest Editors Picks Politics T-SPAN Trending

Antifa Battles With Feds in Portland After Twitter Suspends Popular Antifa Accounts

Antifa Battles With Feds in Portland After Twitter Suspends Popular Antifa Accounts Source: Red State
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Hypocritical Jeff Bezos Suddenly Doesn't Like Voting By Mail – When It'll Hit His Wallet

Hypocritical Jeff Bezos Suddenly Doesn't Like Voting By Mail - When It'll Hit His Wallet Source: Red State
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GOP-E Disgusted, Dems Gloating Over Dr. Kelli Ward's Re-Election as AZ GOP Chairwoman

GOP-E Disgusted, Dems Gloating Over Dr. Kelli Ward's Re-Election as AZ GOP Chairwoman Source: Red State
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Digest Politics T-SPAN Trending

Biden's Path of 'Destruction' Continues: Orders Freeze on Trump's Order to Slash Prices on Two Life-Saving Drugs

Biden's Path of 'Destruction' Continues: Orders Freeze on Trump's Order to Slash Prices on Two Life-Saving Drugs Source:...
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Jihadi Wife Who Claimed to be American Gets a Reality Check

Jihadi Wife Who Claimed to be American Gets a Reality Check Source: Red State
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Good News

Mom’s Mistakes Leads to Good Kids Who Focus on Others

Mom’s Mistakes Leads to Good Kids Who Focus on Others One mom who realized she was missing the mark...
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Fearmongering Democrat Lawmakers Pretend To Be Terrified By GOP Colleagues Carrying Guns

Fearmongering Democrat Lawmakers Pretend To Be Terrified By GOP Colleagues Carrying Guns Source: Red State
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Dem Governors Blow off Their Own Virus Restrictions to Hang out at Inauguration

Dem Governors Blow off Their Own Virus Restrictions to Hang out at Inauguration Source: Red State
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Opinion: I Am Cletus

Opinion: I Am Cletus Source: Red State
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Want The Next Stimulus? Only If You're Immunized, One Congressman Says

Want The Next Stimulus? Only If You're Immunized, One Congressman Says Source: Red State
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Healthy Living

Why did the world’s pandemic warning system fail when COVID hit?

Why did the world’s pandemic warning system fail when COVID hit? Nature, Published online: 23 January 2021; doi:10.1038/d41586-021-00162-4Nearly one...
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