Franklin Graham Shifts the Tone on Night Four of the RNC Through Exhortation and Prayer


After a fun speech by wrestler Hulk Hogan, president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Franklin Graham shifted the tone with remarks of exhortation and a word of prayer. Graham was active as part of former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump’s evangelical team. Graham reminded the audience of how Trump stood by his word to people of faith as the 45th president, and he would do so again as the 47th president of the United States.


There is a weight to his words and a gravity and stability to his prayer. So I present it in its entirety, without commentary.

Good evening. I’ve got the hardest job and I have to follow Hulk Hogan. I stand here tonight as a private citizen who loves this country. I’ve been asked to say a few words and then to pray, and we’re going to do that.

Last Saturday, in Butler, PA, President Trump had a near-death experience. No question. But God spared his life.

And when we go through those experiences, it changes us. It can cause us to examine our lives and re-evaulate our priorities. As it should. When President Trump rose from that platform he rose with his fist raised in strength. Showing America his unshakeable resolve to fight for them and this nation. 

I cannot explain why God would save one life and allow another one to be taken. I don’t have the answer for that. But one thing I do know: Is that God loves us, and he wants us to be with Him in Heaven one day. And that’s through faith in His son Jesus Christ. You see, the Bible says that, “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shouldn’t perish but should have eternal life.”

For as long as I’ve known President Trump, I’ve found him to be a man of his word. Things that he said he would do, he did. When he told me and our country in 2016 that he was going to appoint conservative justices, guess what, he did. In 2016, he said he would defend religious liberty. And guess what? He did. In 2019, I was with him at the United Nations when the first president in the history of this country stood there to advocate for religious liberty worldwide. When American citizen and pastor Andrew Brunson was being held in a Turkish jail on false accusations, President Trump demanded he be released. and he applied economic pressure and sanctions until they did that.

I am grateful and thankful for what he did as the 45th President of the United States. And I know that as the 47th President he will keep his word to the American people to Make America Great Once Again. 

It’s an honor for me to be asked to pray for Donald Trump this evening. So, what I’d like to do, I’d like us to pray, but I would like us all to stand as we call upon the name of the God of Heaven.



Our Heavenly Father. We come before you this evening with grateful hearts. Thank you for saving the life of President Donald J. Trump. In his own words it was you, and you alone who saved him. We pray for the others that were injured on Saturday. For the family that lost their loved one. Put your loving arms around them, comfort them and may they sense your presence. We stand before you tonight. We say, “Thank You,” for the provisions you have given to the United States of America. You have blessed this country more than any country in the world. Sadly, as a nation, we have forgotten who is responsible for all the freedoms, the liberties, and the bounty that we enjoy; it is all come from you. 

Thank You.

This evening, our nation is in trouble. We are divided politically, racially, economically, with millions of people seeking refuge and hope in our dry and thirsty land. You are the only one who can fix the complexities of the problems that we face today. We pray for President Trump, that you would give him wisdom, strength, and a clear vision for the future of this nation and the task that is at hand. Continue to protect him from his enemies. I pray that you would surround him with men and women who would give him sound counsel and guidance. We pray for Melania, for Barron, and for all of President Trump’s children and grandchildren. 

We pray for Senator JD Vance, his wife Usha, along with their young family. We are thankful for his strong stand for defending life. As your word instructs, we also pray for the leaders of our nation. Whether they’re Republican, Democrat, or Independent, we know that all authority comes from you.

You are a Great God. And we ask that if it be thy will that you would Make America Great Again. We ask that you’ll unite our hearts, bring us together, one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty, and justice for all. And we pray this in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.




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