Gavin Newsom Insists He’s Not Going to Run for President, Says Recall Effort Was a ‘Sobering’ Moment

California Governor Gavin Newsom insists he will not run for President in 2024. That’s hard to believe after his ads and billboards in red states, as well as his “feud” with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. This is not the first time Newsom has said something or promised something and broken it, just like his promise to end homelessness in 10 years … which he promised in 2008. Homelessness has only worsened in California under Newsom’s watch.

Former candidate for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors District 1, and outraged citizen, Kevin Dalton, tweeted:

On Saturday, during an interview at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Newsom was asked whether he is considering running for President in 2024. He claimed:

“Not happening, no, no, not at all. I’ve said it in French, Italian. I don’t know German. I mean, I cannot say it enough. But thank you. It’s humbling. It is sweet. It’s a nice thing to be asked. I mean it, and I never trust politicians, so I get why you keep asking.”

As they say, it takes one to know one: He never trusts politicians, yet he’s been in California politics since 2004. He has constantly denied that he will run in 2024, but that doesn’t mean much after all his broken promises as San Fransico Mayor and California Governor. Also, it is worth noting that candidates usually don’t announce a run for President until after the midterm election.

Newsom added:

“California, I mean, what a gift. Forty million Americans strong. We talk about laboratories of democracy, and we’re able to scale ideas that have impact all across this country and around the world. I’m very proud of that privilege, and I don’t take it for granted one day.”

For many, California is the most beautiful state in America. To this day, California is the most populated state; however, due to the one-party rule in the California Assembly, and Newsom’s incompetence, California is not living up to its potential. Not to mention the corrupt Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, who don’t think the residents of Los Angeles should choose who their Sheriff will be, yet preach Democracy.

Newsom is up for re-election, facing off against State Senator Brian Dahle (R-CA). Newsom is expected to defeat his challenger unless Dahle makes considerable strides in Southern California before the midterm election.

Newsom concluded by mentioning the recall effort, saying:

“I was almost recalled last year. They went after me hard. That’s sobering, and that wakes you up. How vulnerable, how fast this is, how people come and go, and you know, people cut you off.”

Newsom claims the recall effort was a “sobering” moment, yet California, under his watch, has continued to decline. California Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-CA), one of the biggest proponents of the Newsom recall, was the right choice at the time, and the recall could have been successful, but Democrats controlled the narrative, focusing on COVID, Trump, and Larry Elder. Of course, it helped that they outnumber conservatives nearly three-to-one in California. Kiley is currently running for Congress in California’s third district, and it seems like a seat Republicans could flip in November.

If you ever wondered what a Newsom presidency would look like, look no further than this created by Kevin Dalton:


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