In this story:
Extended forecasts for the Chicago / South Bend areas call for a major heat-up this week featuring some of the steamiest conditions of the summer moving into the area.
Let’s assume Notre Dame’s staff appreciates this heat wave as it gives the Irish one last chance to get used to the heat and humidity certain to greet them when they get off the plane in College Station.
An early look at the game day weather for Saturday calls for a high of around 90-93 degrees, partly cloudy and very humid conditions. The day’s low, presumably reached after the sun goes down, will be 73-76 degrees.
What could be an interesting angle that hasn’t really been addressed yet would be if there happened to be any rain the day of the game and how that would or could impact gameplay.
As of right now, the moisture probability is around 40%. We will monitor the weather conditions and keep you updated throughout the week.
For more Irish news & notes follow John on Twitter @alwaysirishINC, Always Irish on Youtube and or your preferred audio podcast provider.
Published 2 Hours Ago