SF Fire Dept. Takes Heat After ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Makes It Into the News for Worst Possible Reason

We haven’t seen a lot of stories in the news recently about “Let’s go, Brandon!” sightings perhaps because along with such stories, media outlets have to explain the reasoning behind the phrase. And with us being just a few weeks away from the crucial midterm elections and with Democrats seriously on the ropes, inadvertently dunking on President Biden is just not what the Democrat apologists in the MSM want to be seen doing.

But an exception was made in one case over the weekend when a random Karen Twitter user tagged San Francisco Mayor London Breed, San Francisco District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, and the San Francisco Fire Dept., complaining about the fact that one of the city’s firefighters wore a “Let’s go, Brandon” t-shirt while on the job:

Predictably, the local media sprang into action, with local Fox affiliate KTVU and Bay area CBS News affiliate KPIX 5 being among several that referenced the above tweet as the basis for their reporting on a story that eventually led to “disciplinary action” being taken against the firefighter.

From the KPIX report:

A firefighter with the San Francisco Fire Department is facing disciplinary action after being seen on department business wearing a t-shirt with the conservative slogan “Let’s Go Brandon” printed on the back.


A San Francisco Fire Department Public Information Officer Lt. Jonathan Baxter told KPIX 5 that the department learned of the incident Saturday morning and were “addressing it immediately.”

Baxter said the firefighter should have been wearing “a uniform shirt or department-approved and issued t-shirt” and not the shirt with the political slogan.

It appears that before the story even hit the airwaves, the San Francisco Fire Dept. was already on the case, letting the tweeter know that the supposed issue “would be handled immediately”:

Understandably, the SFFD took considerable heat from other Twitter users for prioritizing this non-issue over ones that were more deserving of attention, like this one:

As I’ve noted before when these types of stories crop up, this is the kind of irrelevant story you typically see in tiny one-page news bulletins like the “Peach Fuzz Journal” on an extremely slow news day, not purportedly “respectable” mainstream media news outlets and especially not at a time where there’s a crapton going on in this country that deserves more attention than a firefighter who got “caught” wearing an LGB t-shirt who offended exactly one person in the process.

In any event, I sure hope that the Twitter user who “outed” the firefighter to the media and woke Democrats in SF is doing okay because I’m so sorry something like this happened to them. Truly. My thoughts and prayers are with them at this exceedingly difficult time.

Flashback ->> Analysis: Brandon Biden Tells Us Who He Really Is in Train Wreck of a Speech in Georgia