Metro Health inspectors work to ensure Fiesta food vendors meet safety standards


SAN ANTONIO – Fiesta is back! The Alamo City is rocking and enjoying tasty food and drinks, but is what you’re consuming safe?

A KSAT crew followed San Antonio Metropolitan Health District inspectors to find out.

“You take a bite, and something that may seem hot may not be hot enough according to the temperature requirements that we have, and you could go on about your night and not know you’re sick until the next day,” said Deborah Liu, Metro Health environmental health officer, about the dangers of unsafe food.

The inspectors will routinely check vendors at every Fiesta event to ensure food safety. They check to ensure food is at the right temperature, vendors have gloves, hats, or hairnets, and there are appropriate handwashing and sanitation stations.

If something isn’t up to code, vendors are asked to correct it promptly. If they’re not able to, the vendor could lose their approved permit and get shut down.

Anyone who sees something of concern is urged to call 311 and report it.

Find all things Fiesta on here


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